Chapter 123

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Routines fell into place like they were carved into stone. I cared for my mom, I fucked other women, I craved the drugs, I missed Jennie a lot, I smoked on my rooftop, I avoided Bryan, I felt depressed and pressured and stressed and violated.

And I missed Jennie very much.

I mean, sure. We hung out or rather spoke sometimes at school and danced during the paid hours but it was different now. We weren't together and she had her own friends to hang out with. I didn't really fit into that.

Tonight was the stupid awards night for the cops brigade, I regretted agreeing to go with her already. I hated being the centre of attention and every eye was going to be on me because I was the criminal. It would be like walking down the school hallways and hearing your name on someone else's tongue, yet this was different - way worse, because the cops in this joint knew exactly what was on my criminal record instead of just speculating through hearsay and rumours.

I straightened my tie as I waited for Jennie to answer her door, while glancing at my wrist watch and silently wondering how long I would have to stay at this event before ditching it.


Shit. Her dad greeted me with that look he does, the one where he makes it abundantly clear that he doesn't like me.

"Sir." I greeted back, with an intimidated smile.

"She's in her bedroom, I trust you already know where that is?" He raised his brow. Was I meant to answer that?

"Uh." I gulped and he sighed, stepping aside to let me in. He was letting me into Jennie's bedroom, alone? Why would he do that if he knows that I'm accused of rape? I didn't linger long enough to question it or allow him to change his mind. I took two steps at a time until I reached Jennie's room, totally out of breath and with a racing heart.

"Come in." She shouted in response to my knock.

I pushed open the door and set my eyes on her, she wore a peachy-orange satin dress that flowed off her beautifully. It was appropriately autumnal and I wanted to ravish her.

"You look..."

"Like a nervous fucking wreck!" She spat out, while moving around her room in a quick pace. Like she was looking for something. "Do I have sweat patches under my arms? I'm sweating." She fanned her face and then growled and tossed everything out of her bedside basket.

"Jennie, what's wrong?" I asked, completely confused by her flustered nature.

"I'm hot." She stated and then sat down on her bed admitting defeat on whatever she was looking for. "I just want to take down my hair, strip off my clothes, watch Netflix and chill."

I smiled, walking up to her. I grabbed her hands and pulled her to her feet. "So..." I began. Tugging on the clips pinning her hair into a fancy up do. "Let down your hair." Her dark hair fell loose and wavy just past her shoulders. Her eyes widened and her lips parted. "Strip off your clothes..." I swept the thin strap of her dress down her arm and smirked at her "... then let's Netflix and chill." I raised two brows suggestively and she giggled.



"It took me hours to do my hair."

My smile faded. "Shit." She laughed harder now. "Sorry." I admitted. "It was a really nice up do though." I flicked the ends. "But this is good too. You look really great." I smiled shyly and she rolled her eyes.

"Let's go." She said, grabbing my hand and leading me through her house. Her dad was flicking through the television channels, grunting and swearing up a storm at whatever was showing. His attention was drawn to us when we walked into the room and his disapproving gaze fell on our interlocked hands which I instantly detached.

"Lisa." he began, while switching the television off. "I don't need to warn you to be on your best behaviour tonight, do I?"

"No sir." Jesus, what did he think I was gonna do?

"Dad!" Jennie chastised. "What do you think she's gonna do?"

"I don't know, but there are a lot of cops there tonight and they're all gonna be watching her."

I gulped, while feeling nervous. "Some of them will be carrying."

Fuck, was it too late to back out?

"It's gonna be fine, you didn't do anything wrong." Jennie reassured me, sensing my unease. "Stop trying to freak her out dad. Innocent until proven guilty."

"Just behave yourself, I'm supposed to be monitoring you at this event." Her dad suggested, doubting my ability to behave.

"I won't let you down, sir." I promised.

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