Chapter 112

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After my shower she was still resting in bed, her hair was floppy and loose, her face makeup-free and she had the sheet wrapped around her body but it looked like she was wearing no clothes underneath. She was just a natural beauty, minding her own business on her phone.

I shuffled around the room in my boxers, searching for clothes in the drawers before Principal Yang was shouting that we needed to leave. I turned back to look at her when her camera tone went off. "Did you just take a picture of me?" I cocked a brow and she laughed.

"No, of myself." And she turned the screen around so I could see her flawless selfie. "Kai asked me what I was up to. When I told him that I was chilling in bed, he asked for pics." She held her arm up and snapped more of herself, pulling some dumb poses.

"What!?" I joined her on the bed. "Don't send him that!"

She giggled, while continuing to take pictures of herself. Purposely lowering the sheet down to reveal more of her cleavage.


I grabbed the sheet and pulled it to her neckline. She dropped her arm down on the bed.

"Because he's a pervert, he's probably got his dick in his hand right now, just thinking of you in bed."

She rolled her eyes at me.

"Don't just hand it to him."

"It's only a picture of my face, Lisa."

I climbed under the sheets with her and took the phone out of her hand. I pulled her arm across my chest and took a photo of us. She looked naked. I looked naked. We looked like we had just fucked.


She looked up at me and I handed her phone back.

"Send him this photo." I got up and returned back to my drawers, she pushed the sheets off her and stood up. She wasn't naked, she wore a strapless bra and jeans. She looked amazing but I still felt disappointed.

"Possessive, much?" She teased, pulling on a T-shirt and sweater. I grabbed her wrists and pushed her up against the wall, taking her by surprise.

"Yes." I warned. "And jealous too."

She bit into her lower lip.

"This week you're mine, I'm not competing with some ex."

"He's not an ex." She defended.

"No, he's nothing." I leaned in and kissed her lips before pushing back off the wall and walking out, dragging her along with me. When we walked out of the elevator hand-in-hand, everyone was staring at us. Her whole dance team, Krystal scoffed and rolled her eyes. Lucas and Momo exchanged a silent but wary look. Kai shot me daggers through his eyes and Rosé bounced over to us with a spring in her step.

"What is this?" She asked, while eyeing up our interlocked fingers.

"I did one thing today that made me smile."

She replied and glanced at me. "Oh you did, did you?"

"Not like that, Rosé."

She was quick to state, with a sweet blush flushing her cheeks. She gripped my hand tighter subconsciously and I cleared my throat.

"So what is this?" She lowered her voice. "How much is this going to cost?" I swallowed and Jennie didn't answer. Maybe she didn't want to assume that I was giving her a freebie. It was weird, she was still paying me to dance. $300 a week which we eventually called it at $100 an hour since she kept asking me to dance extra time. How can I accept money from her now?

I couldn't.

But how could I refuse money when I was stranded in France with no other way of earning money. I couldn't go on dates with other girls. When I got home, I'd need to restock my mom's medication. It was, confusing and complicated. It was every reason why I stayed away from personal and intimate relationships.

But this was Jennie.

I don't remember a time of me not wanting Jennie.

We needed to talk, have a nice long talk and straighten everything out. I needed to know her boundaries so I didn't overstep them. She needed to know mine too.

"What happens between Jennie and I, what we negotiate and discuss in private is exactly that... private."

"Ooohh." Rosé laughed, not taking offence. "Okay, we love a bit of mystery. Besides, whatever this is..." she waved her acrylic nail between us "... was worth it just to see the look on Kai's stupid face."

I smiled at that too, while shooting a smug look in his direction. "I know. I think so too."

"Let's get on the bus." Jennie interrupted.

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