Chapter 48

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My dad dropped me off in the parking lot like always. I stood and watched him leave, waving until he was out of sight. I breathed in the smell of car fumes, I loved that smell.

"Escort!" Rosé shouted from across the parking lot. Waving her phone at me as if I was meant to read her screen all the way from my distance. I laughed at her.

"What!?" I shouted back.

"Escort! Escort! She's an escort!" Her voice got louder as she got closer and then she shoved her phone under my nose. There was an app filling the screen, some kind of transfer money app by the looks of things.

"What are you showing me? Who is an escort?"

She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards her jeep, climbing onto the bonnet and laying with her feet resting against the windscreen. I copied her. She held her phone above our faces.

"My aunt's friend is on this app, it's like Tinder but it's for social escorts. They came round to my mom's for a wine session last night and started giggling about this app. It scans your location and then matches you up with a number or you can search numbers yourself. It's totally anonymous."


"You use business-like words so the app doesn't get flagged as illegal. Jen, Lisa has the same app on her phone."

I laughed off her insanity.

"No way, Lisa likes personal space. You can't even brush up against her arm without her backing away and muttering 'boundaries', so a social escort... Rosé, really?"

"So she might not be a full blown Julia Roberts but she's definitely an escort. Goes out, wines and dines these women, they pay her and she probably says goodbye before they have sex. Lisa is probably loaded. Remember Mrs Robinson? She looked like she could buy a fair few pearls. I wonder what they pay her."

"This is crazy. Why would she need money so desperately for anyway?" Rosé gave me a pointed look and my brain answered my own question. Drugs.

"We need her number, do you have it?" I shook my head. "Well, go get it." She gave my shoulder a little shove and I shoved her back.

"No, you go get it." She sighed.

"Fine, we'll search her location because she'll be around here somewhere." She sat up and tucked her feet beneath her bum looking around the parking lot at all the students arriving to school. I scratched behind my ear awkwardly.

"Actually Rosé... I left her in my bedroom this morning."

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