Chapter 110

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I lowered them down, smoothing along my catsuit all the way to the area between my legs. "You can touch me here." To have her touching that spot was simply not enough, so I forced her fingers back and forth, applying a little pressure. What I would give to have her finger fuck me right now, properly.

She gasped and I could see movement from below her waist. She was getting hard, and that made me smile. "And I know you love touching me here." I brought her hands around and put them on my ass. She didn't squeeze but when I removed my hands, she didn't take them away. She just held my ass and it was fucking fantastic.

"And I love this." I grabbed her dick through the material of her boxer shorts and she jolted a little in surprise.

"Fuck." She breathed out as I gave her a little squeeze.

"I love how it reacts to me. I love feeling it against me when we dance. When we're in bed. Now. You don't have to hide it from me, I love it." I was jerking her through her boxer shorts and she was moving into my hand more and more. "Kiss me." I demanded.

"I can't." She said and I let go of her dick, furious now. I just opened up to her. I just told her not to treat me like a fucking victim. I basically just admitted that I was a fucking victim. And she still won't kiss me?

"You're unreal!" I shoved her in the chest lightly and walked away. She followed me back inside, grabbing a grey zip-up hoodie and slipping it on.

"Jennie, you taste like alcohol."

I turned to face her sharply. She had a pink blush creeping up her neck. "I can't kiss you when you're like that. You'll make me want cocaine and I already want cocaine."

I dropped to sit on the bed. "Oh." I muttered quietly. Silence shroud us, filling the gaps where unspoken words lay. Then, I burst out laughing. For no reason at all. Just laughing. Laughter. It was hilarious.

"What are you laughing at?" She asked, with a smile tugging at her lips too.

"You're a social escort, you make a living out of fucking other women. I live with a fear of sex."

She sat down beside me, unsure if she should be laughing right now.

"You're this drug addict, with so many fucking criminal convictions. I'm the sheriff's daughter."

She laughed now and shook her head.

"You love your mom, I hate mine. You suck at dancing, I want to build my future on it."

"Hey, I'm not that bad." She defended.

"We're so incompatible, total complete opposites but I love you."

She stopped laughing and her eyes widened. "What?" She asked.

"I love you." I repeated. "I love your heart. How you care for your mom, you're selfless, willing to put yourself through horrific things for her. Like taking Bryan's beatings or whatever you do with the women."


"I love how respectful you are. You never call them sluts or whores because you don't think of them like that. No matter what their kink is or how many times they come back to you during one week. I bet you don't even judge them if they're married with kids. You never badmouth them. Fuck, you respect them so much you keep everything confidential, even when I'm dying to know."


"I love how strong you are. You fight all of your urges to take drugs and that must be like really, really hard. You cry, you get emotional and it's really brave and strong to show your weakness like that. I can't. But I love the struggles that you went through, I don't love that you went through them but I love that you come out on the other side of them. You were a child, Lisa and you had a rough life but you're still this fucking remarkably strong person."


"I love how sweet you are, moments are precious for you. Your first kiss was really important and you held onto it, until the moment felt right. And then there are these little moments, little moments where I know that you want to kiss me and for some reason, you don't but it's those little moments that I can see I mean the world to you."


"I love how you look, you're fucking gorgeous. Your body, your eyes. God you're so hot, why are you so hot?"

"Jennie!" She shut me up. "Can I get a word in edgewise?"

"Oh yeah, sorry. Did you want to say something?"

She smiled wildly, with her eyes sparkling with her humour. And I reflected the look of happiness on her face.

"You're drunk." She said, while taking the cat ears off my head and setting them down on the bed. "And you just told me that you love me, dressed as a cat."

I shrugged. "Little moments."

"Little moments." She repeated with a shy smile.

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