Chapter 59

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Rain pounded the pavement outside, the sound was soothing and my eyes were becoming heavy. I closed them, only for a second drowning out the noise of Mr Choi's voice.

"It's okay." she whispered, with warm breath tickling down my neck. "You can relax, I know what I'm doing... I'm a professional, I do this all the time." She lay me back on my bed and hovered her body over mine. Her lips went close by my neck again and I stiffened.

"Don't." I struggled out. "D... don't kiss my neck." I felt her smile against my skin, then she kissed my neck anyway.

"Lisa!" I shouted out in a panic mode, sitting up quick, with everyone in my English class looking back at me. I rubbed my eyes tiredly. Krystal smirked at me in a cruel way, Lucas and Momo looked confused. The other kids were laughing at me and I could feel Lisa staring at me from behind.

"Yes, Jen? Do you have something that you'd like to say to Lisa?" I gripped my pencil tightly and shook my head at the teacher.


"So can I get on with my lesson now?" I cleared my throat and lowered myself in my chair.

"Yes, I'm sorry."

"Maybe you should try getting to bed earlier, hmm?" I closed my eyes letting the humiliation wash over me. Mr Choi turned back to the blackboard but I could still feel people looking at me. Their eyes made my skin crawl, I lowered my head in shame and kept it there until the last bell rang out. I zipped my books away and rushed out of the classroom, avoiding everyone.

"Jennie!" Lisa called from behind me. I kept walking, dodging my way through the sea of students. "Jennie, wait up!" Her voice was getting closer until she was next to me and I couldn't avoid her any longer. "What was that?"

"Nothing, I'm fine." I keyed in my locker combination and shoved everything inside. Not giving her any eye contact.

"I didn't ask if you were okay."

I stopped unloading books and looked at her.


"You said my name."

I cast my eyes down her body and frowned. Had she given up on our agreement already?

"Why are you wearing jeans? You can't dance in jeans."

She looked down at herself. She could've at least worn sweatpants today.

"I have some tights, they're Lucas' but they're clean."

"No. No way. No." She let out a nervous laugh. I handed her a charcoal coloured pair of dance tights and smirked at her. She stopped laughing when I pointed towards the locker rooms. "Are you serious, Jennie?"


I sat on the floor opposite the locker rooms, I didn't want to walk in without her; safety in numbers and all that. She took forever and just as I was starting to think that she had done a runner, the door opened. Slowly my eyes trailed the full length of her body and hovered at her crotch. My hand slapped over my lips and my eyes widened to the size of saucers.

Every shape of her was clearly visible, she might as well have not been wearing the tights. She rubbed the back of her neck and squirmed.

"You can see the ankle monitor."

"Trust me, nobody is looking at the ankle monitor." I was no longer talking to Lisa, I was having a full blown conversation with her appendage. "There's like a whole cucumber down your pants." I was hypnotised by her dick. Wow. It was massive and at eye level with me. "God, it's no wonder people pay for you."

"Jennie! Shh!" She paced over to me and dropped to my level. "You can't say things like that in public!"

"Oh my God, it moves when you move."

She pushed my chin up so I could stop looking at her crotch and instead look into her eyes. She had pretty eyes. "I could ask one of the guys to lend you a dance belt for today?"

"I am not wearing some guy's underwear." She stood up and automatically my gaze fell from her face. "Jesus! Can you stop looking at my dick? Boundaries, Jennie!"

"I'm sorry, you're right. It just caught me a little off guard. Let's go." As my feet pattered on the linoleum floor all I could think about was her dick, at least it might distract from the fact that it's Lisa and nobody is going to take that well.

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