Chapter 38

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"I can't help myself." I answered honestly.

"You can, just swish it into the sink." She motioned with her hand. "Swish." She repeated. "Swish it into the sink, Lisa."

"I can't." I wanted to but I couldn't. My grip tightened on the edge of the sink. Holding on tightly so I didn't lower myself down and snort it up. I needed it. "You don't understand, I need it."

"You can do it, just swish it real fast and then it will be gone. You will have won." I glanced down at the two neat lines, I wasn't strong enough. "Go on Lisa, get rid of it." I lifted my arm, tucking my hand up inside my sleeve. She watched me carefully. "Now, Lisa." She rushed. "Do it now. Right now. Do it." I shoved my hand right through the line, powder dropped down into the sink and Rosé leaped closer, turning on the faucet. I watched the cocaine wash down the drain.

I didn't snort it, I won... for now.

Silence fell over us, suddenly I became very aware that I was in the bathroom alone with this girl and judging by the way her whole body language changed, she was thinking the same thing. She cast her eyes around the room, not making direct eye contact with me.

Rosé was very pretty, her and Jennie suited being best friends. Rosé was slightly taller than Jennie and she had blonde hair while Jennie had darker, longer hair and Rosé had paler skin. I never really liked her, she seemed bossy. I would hear her tell Jennie that she didn't like her outfit and not even in a nice way.

"Why did you help me?" I asked, failing to understand why these girls put themselves in positions of danger around me. Okay, they're not in danger... I am... but they don't know that.

Rosé shrugged one shoulder. "You helped my best friend, I helped you. C'mon, we're late for computer lab."

The dire craving for cocaine in my system didn't go away with the wash of the drugs. It still consumed every nerve in my body. When I got to computer lab, I curved my spine over the desk like a dying flower and closed my eyes. The only possible way of getting past this feeling was sleeping through it, so that's exactly what I did.

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