Chapter 72

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I looked down at my basket, it was full. Most of it was probably crap. I got a few high-sugar energy drinks for her to try out and other little snack treats. I got her a big bunch of flowers and some warm, and fluffy bed socks. I cast my eyes over the 'get well soon' cards and just as my fingers were about to reach out and grab one, I stopped.

She's not going to 'get well soon.'

My eyes welled up and I started crying, right there in the middle of the supermarket. I sobbed into my hands, trying to stop myself because I could feel an elderly couple staring at me from further up the aisle. It was embarrassing. When I left Lisa's place, I thought that I was fine. I didn't even know her mom, yet my tears were honest and my hurt was real.

"I've got the milk... are you crying?" My dad grabbed me quick and cradled me into his arms. "What's wrong, chicken legs? Did something happen?" I shook my head against his chest, probably leaving a blob of snot on his T-shirt.

"It's just not fair dad, it's just not fair." I kept repeating.

"Hey, it's okay, it's okay to cry. We'll go pay for all of these and then go home, watch a movie and eat our body weight in junk food."

And that's exactly what we did.

I took a long bath, cried some more and made my dad watch some cheesy movies.

"Jen?" He stopped me before I went to bed. "I'm not supposed to do this, I could lose my job for this, but you're my daughter and you need to know." He handed me a brown folder and I looked at it in confusion. "I want you to read this, front and back. Don't skip any line. Read it twice."

"What is it?"

"Everything you need to know about Lisa Manoban, I printed it while you were taking a bath. Jen, read it."

"Will there be a pop quiz?" I joked.

"Jen, just read it." My dad replied, without finding the humour.

It was thick and heavy. Automatically, I figured whatever was written in this folder was not going to be an accurate portrayal of Lisa's character. I didn't want to read it. I didn't want to see the side of her that wasn't as rosy as the side she's been showing me over the past few weeks.

I already know about the drugs but I also know that she's trying hard to get off them and the reasons why she turned to drugs in the first place. I know she got into fights, but Lisa isn't violent, she doesn't have anger issues. I know about the rape allegations, I don't know the full story but I see the fear in her eyes whenever we're alone together. I've seen how the accusation caused her psychological damage but above all else, I trust her.

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