Chapter 60

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When we got to the gym, Rosé was outside talking to someone on the phone. She was pacing the hallway and using her hands to express herself. She turned around and smiled as she spotted us, then her eyes floated down to Lisa's genital region and I bit back my laughter at her face.

"I've got to go." She told the person on the phone and hung up. I smiled proudly at her. "Ooh my sweet, sweet Jen." She gave me the chef's kiss. "Well done girl, well done. It's no wonder people..."

"Don't finish that sentence!" Lisa spat out. Rosé zip locked her mouth closed. "Shall we do this?" Lisa gestured towards the door.

"Fuck yes." Both Rosé and I answered at the same time and then burst out laughing.

Krystal was already barking her orders up front to the group, all eyes stopped paying attention to her the second we walked in. Krystal turned slowly, she looked at me and then looked at Lisa. Her face was filled with revulsion.

"I've got myself a partner." I informed her.

"What? Her?" She looked Lisa up and down, her eyes hesitating below her waist for a split second and then she snapped herself out of it.

"Yes, her. We're here to dance, Krystal." I grabbed Lisa's hand and walked her over to where everyone was sitting.

"No." Krystal blurted out. "She's not welcome here Jen, find yourself a new partner."

"Why are you talking about her like she's not here?" Rosé asked, finding humour in the situation. Lisa tensed beside me, no doubt feeling uncomfortable.

"Because I don't associate with rapists. I have a duty to keep my dance team safe."

I scoffed. "And where was that dedication when Taehyung was assaulting me?"

"Maybe we should go." Lisa whispered to me. It was wrong, the way Krystal treated her was wrong. The passive aggressive comments, the blatant dismissal, and the discrimination.

"No, we're not going anywhere. You're just as much entitled to try out for this team as anyone else. Let's take a vote on it." I looked at my dance squad, they all lowered their heads, not wanting to involve themselves in this mess.

"I vote yes." Rosé said.

"Well, I vote no." Krystal pushed her opinion out there.

"Lucas?" I asked.

"I vote no, sorry Jen."

"I vote yes." Mino surprised me with his vote, he must really hate being partnered with Krystal.

"I vote no." Chan answered.

"You can't vote no because you're my partner and if Lisa doesn't make the team then Jen can't be on the team and if Jen can't be on the team then I won't be on the team and if I'm not on the team then you can't be on the team." Rosé defended.


"Just vote yes!" She snapped.

"Fine, I vote yes." Chan changed his vote.

"I vote no." Momo gave me an apologetic smile.

"Looks like it's tied. I'll tell you what. I'll give you until the end of the week. On Friday, I want to see you dance together. You must know the dance completely and be at recital level. If she's not, then you're both off the team."

"Four days!?" Rosé exclaimed.

"We can do it. We'll do it." I answered confidently. Lisa's face shot to face mine, her lips parted and her eyes were filled with worry. Okay, so I haven't seen her dance but how hard can it be? We'll just need to practice more. I'm gonna need a loan.

"You can't practice here. As of yet, you're not on the team. You need to go find somewhere else to practice." Krystal turned back to the squad and clapped her hands. "Oh and one more thing Lisa, you need to wear a dance belt. We can't have that thing dangling around... you might distract Jennie... a little way too much."

Everyone started sniggering, even Rosé. I grabbed a fist of Lisa's T-shirt and pulled her away.

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