Chapter 96

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"Okay." I sat back down, next to her on the bed. "Let's have a conversation, so nothing like this ever happens again."

"A conversation?" She gulped nervously.

"Yeah go over our limits and boundaries, what we like and dislike, what we consent to and what we don't."

"Like what you do with your clients?" She was sceptical, but this was a good thing.

"Yeah, exactly like that."

"But don't you only do that with the ones you're planning to fuck?"

"Yeah and I'm not expecting that, don't worry. I just think, you know, since we're sharing a room and all and I've already made you feel uncomfortable, it would be healthy to lay down our rules and boundaries. Create a safe space, it doesn't have to be sexual."

"Okay, fine." She paused to think for a short moment and then smiled "Don't smoke on the balcony or in the room."

"Wow. Okay, you don't like smoking. Noted. I suppose I can do that. What else?"

She shrugged. "Can't I just let you know what pisses me off about you as you do it?"

I chuckled at her response. "I feel like if I agree to that then I'm opening a can of worms."

"Okay, fine I have another one. No tape recorder." She walked over to the little audio box and hovered her finger over the stop button.


"No Lisa, I want our conversations to be private. Between you and me not you, me and this machine."


"I just told you something really fucking intimate about myself and I honestly hate that you recorded it. I no longer consent to being recorded."

I wasn't okay with that, but what could I do?

"Okay, fine. Press it but you can't freak out like you did on the plane. You can't do that to me again. I need you to keep a rational mind and if you don't like something, I need you to just tell me and I'll stop."

She nodded, fully committing to pressing stop. Without the little wheels turning, I didn't even want to open my mouth. "There, see?" She walked over to me and straddled my lap. "Isn't it better when we're alone?"

"What are you..."

"Shhh." She placed her finger over my lips. "I don't want to hear whatever you're about to say. I only want to hear you say sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"For not wanting to share a room with me. For making a show of me in front of everyone."

My eyes softened on her, I hurt her feelings. Well, didn't I just feel like dick of the day.

"I'm sorry." I replied, sincerely.

"You're not." She removed her finger and kissed my lips softly before pulling back. "But you will be." She kissed me again, this time I went for it. Really kissing her, tasting the chocolatey cookies on her lips. It was divine.

"Tell me you regret it." She demanded after our kiss. She didn't give me a chance to answer before her lips travelled down my own neck causing every hair to stand on end.

"Fuck, I regret it." I stammered out as she sent tingles racing around my body, heading to one long, hard place.

"Tell me how remorseful you are for doubting how fun it could be, sharing a room with me."

I closed my eyes as she licked up my neck with the tip of her tongue. It was a turn on and felt forbidden, I usually don't allow this kind of intimacy.

"I realise my mistake, Jesus."

She sucked my tender skin and I groaned, sexually, for real, like out loud.

"You're stupid, aren't you?" She leaned back and shot me a mischievous smile.

"Real fucking stupid." I went in to kiss her lips again but she dodged me and climbed off my lap.

"Good I'm glad we can agree on something, jackass."

My balls were fucking heavy and tingling, my dick rivalled the Eiffel Tower and she was loving the after effects of her seductive manipulation. Intentionally leaving me high and dry.

This was going to be a hard week.

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