Chapter 80

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I dressed her in a black fitted shirt, unbuttoned a few from the top to let that beautiful muscular chest show through. I made her wear black smart trousers and loafers. She did her own hair because she knows how to do it in a way that makes her look older.

"You look so fucking hot."

She stepped closer to me, her eyes sharpening on mine. They were deep and beautiful. My breathing hitched and my heart rate increased. For a second, with how close we were and how she was looking at me; I thought we were going to kiss.

"You think I'm hot?" She whispered slowly, her eyes lowering to my lips.

"Right now I do." I whispered back, the air laced with thick attraction. Her phone alarm started ringing and she clenched her jaw before stepping away and switching it off.

"You want me to walk you home? It's on the way."

I didn't want to leave, I was comfortable here, with Lisa's spunk and all.

"Would it be weird if I stayed here while you were gone? I could keep your mom company."

"No, it wouldn't be weird but you don't have to do that Jennie, my neighbour checks in on her. They're good friends."

"My dad is on a nightshift tonight and I don't want to go home to an empty house."

"Do you want me to cancel the date?"

I think her question shocked us both. We kind of just sat staring at one another waiting for the words to absorb into our brains. Why would she offer to do that for me? Why did I want her to? I couldn't ask her to that, not when there was so much on the line.

"No." I smiled. "Don't be silly, you go get laid." I slapped her shoulder and her smile dropped. "I'll be here when you get back." She nodded sadly.

"Okay, I'll be gone for a couple of hours. Help yourself to... anything." She said to me as she turned for the door, hitting stop on the audio recorder. Before she left she stopped and looked at me. "Jennie?"


"When I get back..."


"I might act differently. Like, I don't know... moody or whatever."

I laughed a little. "Lisa, you're always moody." My brows furrowed in confusion, why would she be moody?

"I'm sorry if I snap at you for no reason, I'm still learning how to cope with it, without the drugs."

"Uh... okay then?"

She nodded and then walked out of the room, throwing her front door keys up into the air and catching them with the same hand. I was left alone in her bedroom, what was I supposed do? The breakfast dishes? Check. Home videos with her mom until she fell asleep? Check. Trying on her hoodies and smelling them? Check. Raid her fridge? Check.

But then I pulled open her drawers and looked at all of the cassette tapes just lying there untouched. They were labelled and organised by date. I pulled out one that said 'Michelle - Dinner' and then put it back. Then I pulled out the second drawer and looked through all of those tapes until I found one that said 'Jennie - Dance'

I slipped it into the small tape player, put large, foamy headphones on and laid back on her pillow with her file. I re-read over the pages she showed me, taking my time to actually concentrate on the words written. Witness statements, her statements, the arresting officer's statements.

My dad's plan to tarnish her character didn't work, I only liked Lisa more because I knew of the struggles she went through. I could see a map of her entire life, every moment that led up to here.

I flipped the page once more and her most recent mug shot was in front of me. I traced my fingers over it and scoffed. Only Lisa could look mighty fucking fine in a mug shot.

What the hell was wrong with me?

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