Chapter 118

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"Stop!" I demanded. "Get the fuck away from me!" I started lashing out, falling away from her, rolling our two bodies apart. I wanted to hurt her so I shoved her and punched her and kept trying to get at her violently until she grabbed my wrists to halt my movements.

"No." She said with a strong, and stern voice. I stopped immediately, with our eyes locking sights onto one another.

Then I broke down and fell against her chest, crying. She ran her fingers through my hair and shushed me like she was trying to get a baby to sleep until I calmed down and stopped crying.

"I love you Jennie and I want to help you but I'm not going to be your punching bag. We're not building on that, it's unhealthy and I'm not down for that."

"I'm so sorry." I muttered out pathetically.

"You're scared, I get that but you have got to learn to control it. You need to just say stop and remove yourself from the situation, not lash out."

"I know. I'm sorry." I admitted, feeling guilty.

"C'mon." She shuffled back on the bed and patted the empty space next to her. I hesitated at first but then I went to lay next to her, knowing that she wasn't a threat to me. "We're going to try something else." She leaned over and grabbed something from the drawer, she pressed in a button and the familiar vibrating buzz sound filled the room. "You up for it?"

"You want me to..." I asked, feeling a little embarrassed.

"I want you to lie back, relax, focus on not getting mad and know that you have the option at any time to just say stop."

I nodded, with my racing heart keeping the blood pumping around my body. I took a deep breath, lay my head into the pillow and closed my eyes. Waiting for Lisa's next move.

"You know what I like?" She asked, her voice a softly spoken whisper.

"What?" I asked, feeling the vibrator slowly move along my thigh towards my centre.

"I like how wet I make you." She pressed the vibrator against my clit and my body jolted from the feeling. "Do you have any idea how turned on I get just thinking about that? Right now, I can feel the pre-cum oozing out of me." My hips automatically started rolling up and down, with the vibrations and sounds fell from my lips that I haven't heard in a while.

"I bet you taste as good as you feel and one day I'm gonna eat out your pussy like it's a damn aphrodisiac, but only when you're ready."

I moved harder, imagining that. "Lisa." I moaned, feeling my climax building again. Listening to her voice, her beautiful deep and raspy voice was making me forget about everything horrible that had happened to me.

"That's right baby, say my name. Scream it. Let the whole fucking world know how good I make you feel."

My head tilted back against the pillow as I rode the vibrator she held against me. The feeling was beautiful but bittersweet. I wanted it so fucking much but I feared it even more. Flashbacks played in my mind like a kaleidoscope of memories.

"I swear Jennie, I'm going to get off on getting you off. You're so fucking hot." She grabbed her dick and started jerking it next to me and then inspiration hit me, a distraction. I took her into my hands. "Woah, fuck."

I stopped concentrating on what she was doing to my body and focused on hers. She had a good grip-able size, and all of her veins were protruding out. Tensing and un-tensing beneath my hand.

My hips thrust against the vibrations, riding her fingers and the stupid sex toy in unison. Everything felt wet and fucking amazing. I wanted her inside me, but I didn't. I wanted to feel her dick fill me up and take me hard but I dare not ruin this feeling to attempt it. I was enjoying it, the mutual masturbation, maybe this was my way forward.

I loved hearing her sexual moans, I loved seeing the pleasure on her face as I tugged my hand up and down her shaft. Her hips rolled into my movements with need and urgency.

"Cum for me baby." She demanded through gritted teeth and just like that my climax ripped through me. For the first time since that one horrible night, I let myself go. I felt everything build up, clench and release. "Fuck! Shit! Holy shit!" I called out. Lisa chuckled and kissed me.

I didn't have time to dwell on the feeling or doubts because Lisa placed her warm hand over mine and uttered the words "Keep going." So I jerked harder, tighter, and more rhythmic until it was her turn to explode.

And she did, everywhere.

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