Chapter 126

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Lisa made me see that, with her I wanted it. I enjoyed it. Sure, we didn't have the real-all-the-way sex but it was nothing like I felt with Deputy Kwon. It was beautiful and safe and special. Lisa took care of me, and continuously asked if I was okay. She didn't push me too far and she didn't pressure me into do something that I didn't feel comfortable with.

Deputy Kwon haunted me. I felt him on me most of the time. I could smell the linen powder his uniform had been washed in, like a lingering phantom that wasn't really there and yet it felt so incredibly real. He took away my safe space, and my father. I couldn't visit him at work, I couldn't even think about the sheriff station because I could picture it in my mind, so vividly.

The dark wooden desks with the metal legs, how the whole desk shook with every violent thrust he forced upon me. The scratching sound of my feet against the floor. The jingle-jangle of my handcuffs and how they dug into my flesh but I couldn't feel any pain from that because he was tearing my body apart. He was tearing my soul apart, and filling me with this poison.

I hated him.

I hated what he did to me.

I hated how people thought Lisa was just like him. How they looked into her beautiful hazel eyes and only see a monster staring back. I knew, from the second the light hit her eyes in biology class, I knew she wasn't capable of the crimes that she was accused of.

Lisa wasn't like Deputy Kwon. That monster had soulless blue eyes, they were empty and distant. Like something was missing. A heart maybe? A conscience? Something was just missing.

But now, everybody knew my truth. I had ousted myself, and Deputy Kwon in a room filled with my father's colleagues and I was petrified of whatever was to follow next.

Statements. Evidence. Battles that I wasn't strong enough to fight. It was heart-breaking. My dad, my kind-hearted, and lovable dad got this look on his face like he had failed me. Like he blamed himself. Lisa just looked angry, like she wanted to kill Deputy Kwon and the whole room was stunned into a perfect pin-drop silence.

"What!?" My father asked.

"He raped me. Deputy Kwon raped me!" I repeated, stronger than before. "Six months ago when you were working late. He got me on the floor, handcuffed me to the table leg and forced himself on me."

Over the months following my assault I cried, almost every night. I danced and cried, it was my therapy. But now, standing here in front of my rapist, I felt strong. My tears were dry, I was ready to get my justice on this mother-fucker.

"She's lying!" Deputy Kwon spat out blood and tried to laugh off the accusation but my father dropped his hold on Lisa and charged at Deputy Kwon. He started laying into him, punching him and thrashing him around. All protocol was gone, and all professionalism was lost. He wanted to kill Deputy Kwon, hell, he would've killed him if another deputy had not stepped in.

Before my eyes, they placed Deputy Kwon under arrest and took him away, and that's when I cried. I buried my head into Lisa's chest and let my tears fall. She couldn't hug me, her hand were still cuffed but just the smell of her anti-perspirant and a faint smoky scent was enough to fully comfort me.

"Jen, I'm so sorry." My dad's voice said from behind me. He un-cuffed Lisa and she didn't hesitate to take me into her arms, smoothing out my hair and kissing the top of my head.

"It's not your fault, dad." I reassured him though the guilt and doubt was written all over his face.

"We're gonna get you help now, see to it that the son of a bitch rots away in jail. My friends, they will take good care of you. We'll get you therapy. Jen, you're gonna be so well looked after. I promise."

I just nodded, no longer having the energy to reply. My dad's eyes softened on Lisa and they exchanged a look. If I'm not mistaken, I think my dad was silently expressing his gratitude to Lisa.

"Let's get out of here." Lisa suggested with a smooth voice. I let her walk me out, feeling warm and fuzzy under her strong arm.

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