Chapter 111

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How could I sleep?

The girl I've loved since forever just told me that she loved me. But then she was as drunk as a skunk, did she even mean what she said?

I looked over to her, her mouth was fully agape, with drool running down the edges. Her hair was everywhere in a mess of chocolate brown. Her cat makeup was cleaned off but still slightly visible. I smiled to myself as she let out quiet snores. She was perfect.

The sun rose behind the drapes, slowly illuminating the room with light. She mumbled sleepily, so calm, warm and comfortable tucked beneath the blanket.

"Why are you staring at me?" She spoke, with her eyes still closed - seemingly asleep. I froze, shuffling back a little.

"I'm not." I lied. Her eyes opened, blinking slowly and she smiled. "Are you hungover?" I asked with concern. She pulled the blanket over her face so only her eyes were visible and she looked downright adorable.

"The only thing hanging over me are the words that I said to you last night."

I raised my eyebrows, so she remembers.

"I guess you know now that I really like you." She spoke in a muffled way, her voice restricted by the blanket.

"You really like me, huh?" I tickled her and she lashed around in her blanket laughing. "Because that's not the word you used last night."

"Lisa!" She laughed, while trying to fight me. "Stop!" I loved hearing her laugh, I loved making her laugh.

"Not until you say it again." I tickled her more.

"I can't breathe!" She giggled and wheezed, there was even a snort in there somewhere too.

"Then don't waste your last breath, tell me how you really feel about me."

"You're annoying..." she breathed out, I tickled her harder. "Your tickles are cruel, you shit head..." she could barely talk through her laughter.

"You better say it." I warned.

"God, you are the most irritating person ever and..."

"And..." I prompted, while still tickling her.

"And I love you."

I stopped tickling and pulled the blanket away from her face. She caught back her breath and her eyes hooked onto mine. Beautiful eyes, golden where the sun directly hit them from the early-morning glow. They were warm and safe, spell-binding and mysterious. I wanted to look into them forever, get lost in them for all of eternity.

"I love you too." I spoke my truth, my heart filled to the brim with sincerity.

"You do?" She asked, with her eyes floating down to my lips and I answered her unspoken wish. Pressing my lips delicately against hers. "Morning breath." She pointed out, feeling self-conscious.

"I don't care." And I didn't, she laughed and pushed me away.

"Well, I do." She shuffled away from me.

"What does this mean now, for us? Because I can't..."

"I know. And I'd never ask you too."

She sighed.

"It just means, for this week without the app, we can be together."

"You want to be my girlfriend for a week?"

"I really do." She admitted.

"I really want you to be my girlfriend for a week too."

She smiled and climbed out of bed so she could go get a shower. My eyes drifted down her body, namely to her ass. She turned her head to look at me and raised a brow. "Are you checking out my ass?"


She laughed. "Good."

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