Chapter 125

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Jennie - Flashback

I tapped the water cooler watching the air bubbles float up through the barrel. It made a bloopy sound and it reminded me of my old fish tank. The one we got from the flea-market in a rush because we needed somewhere to put Fanta the goldfish, which I had won at the town's fair.

Deputy Kwon had his sharp focus set on his laptop screen, the light reflected back on his face, illuminating his blue eyes with a whiteish spark.

"Not long now Jen, he'll be in soon." He said, noticing that I was watching him.

"That's okay, I don't mind waiting, I like hanging out here." I sat on one of the chairs, running my finger over two metal handles on either side where they kept the criminals locked down by handcuffs. "It's interesting."

He laughed. "Oh yeah?" He questioned, leaving his desk and moving closer to me. He sat down on the desk in front of me, just leaning his body against the edge. "What's so interesting about here?"

I shrugged, standing up and taking a good observing look around. "I like seeing where my dad works." I came here for a ride home but he was held up out on the street, probably wouldn't be back for an hour or so. "I like to imagine what it would be like to arrest someone. Or be arrested." My eyes gleamed with excitement and Deputy Kwon laughed.

"You're a weird kid." He commented and I smiled at him, not denying his accusation. "So, you did dancing today?"

"Yeah, it was our big recital. My dance partner asked me out, I turned him down though. I don't mix business with pleasure."

"Smart girl." He joked.

I scooped my hair back and tied it up into a pony tail then I massaged the cramp out of my neck. "Think I pulled a muscle, my neck is like really stiff."

"Hey, I know first aid... let me take a look at it." He jumped up off the desk and stood behind me, running one finger down the length of my neck. I squirmed uncomfortably, thinking that the action was a little weird.

"Yeah, it's tight." He whispered, close by my ear. His hot breath bounced off my skin and I stepped away awkwardly.

"Yeah." I said, feeling totally weirded out.

"I'm not done." He grabbed my arm harshly and pulled me back.

"It's okay. I'm okay." I tried to get away from him but he kept his menace-like grip clasped around my arm.

"I said I'm not done, Jen!" He spoke harshly now, with threat. His whole manner changed, and it's almost predatory now.

"You're hurting me!" I warned, hoping it would deter him away but he grabbed me, while wrapping his whole arms around me and pushing me forcibly down to the floor. "Deputy Kwon Jiyong!" I shouted.

Somehow, amongst our struggles he pulled a pair of handcuffs out from his belt and attached one half around my wrist, the other half around the metal leg of a nearby desk.

"Stop! What are you doing! Get off of me!" I pleaded, the panic absolutely drowning out all of my rational thoughts and feelings.

"Quiet bitch, this your fault!" His voice was angry, and malicious. He bent my one free arm backwards and forced me to touch the bulge in his pants.

He wasn't the deputy I knew, the deputy I trusted. He was a monster. "You've got me all worked up showing me that pretty little neck of yours!" He held my free hand down strongly and with his other hand, he yanked down my panties and leggings in one movement. "You've only got yourself to blame for this Jen, I hope you know that!"

"Please don't do this!" I begged.

But my sorrowful pleas went unheard. He ignored my cries, he fought off my reluctance. He forced himself on me and in doing that, he killed a piece of me.

Afterwards, he repeatedly told me that it was my fault and I believed him. I should've fought harder. I shouldn't have let him touch my neck. I convinced myself that on some level, I must've enjoyed it - wanted it because I orgasmed. That's why I didn't tell anyone. I was so ashamed of myself.

What kind of sick person enjoys that?

But I didn't want it.

I didn't enjoy it.

And it wasn't my fault.

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