Chapter 86

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"Oh my god Lisa, that's really bad."

"Honestly Jennie, I didn't fucking touch her. Not at all, she actually touched me. She was the one who suggested we went upstairs, she was the one gripping me through my jeans, she unzipped my clothes and slipped her hand down over my boxers, even after I told her no, several times."

"Were you scared?"

I smiled softly and shook my head. "No, she didn't scare me. I was bigger and stronger than her. She couldn't force herself on me. I knew that I could easily get away."

"That's a luxury some have over women." She spoke quietly, maybe even a little bitter sounding.

"A luxury? I don't know about that. Physically Nancy may not have been able to force herself on me but that didn't stop her from ruining my life, violating my trust and leaving me with severe anxiety and fear. The girl has given me PTSD."

"I'm sorry, you're right." She agreed. "What happened after that?" She asked.

"Nothing really, everyone at the party didn't care because most of them were slipping date rape drugs into drinks of random girls and doing it themselves, for real. But Nancy's friend called the cops and your dad threw me against his car, cuffed me and shoved me inside. We gave statements separately for hours but obviously we both had shit in our system which went against my word. My lawyer said they checked her out and obviously didn't find any trace of semen but she told them that I wore a condom. My skin cells were beneath her nails where she scratched me and unless anyone in that room was coherent enough to provide a witness statement, I think I'm pretty fucked. Jennie, I'm gonna go to jail and my mom's gonna die all alone and when I think about that, I feel like I can't breathe. I'm scared Jennie, so fucking scared."

"She's not gonna die alone, whatever happens, I'll be here. I'll be here for you and I'll be here for your mom. I promise."

I gave her a small smile, but I could never hold her to that. Why would she be here? I mean, I know she's got a good heart but really she doesn't even know us and I'm just someone she has bought. Something hard fell against my hand and I looked down at her pillow. "There's something inside your pillowcase."

I dug my hand into her cream coloured pillowcase and felt around for the hard thing inside.

"No, Lisa. Don't. Oh my god, please don't." She grabbed the pillow off me but as she pulled my hand out, the thing came out with me. "Oh my god." She gasped, while hiding her face in her hands.

"Huh." I held the small, shiny bullet sized vibrator in my hand and pressed the button so it buzzed. "You keep it in your pillow case? Very handy."

"Oh my god, this isn't happening. I want the ground to open up and swallow me whole."

I laughed and switched the vibrator off.

"Jen!" Her dad's voice called from downstairs, we both froze and stared at the door.

"Quick! Get in my closet!" She stood up and grabbed my hand, pulling me to my feet and moving me to the closet, then she slammed the door shut. I stood in darkness, enveloped in the smell of almonds but at the same time I tried not to breathe, for fear of making a sound. I slipped her vibrator into my pocket because if her dad opened the closet door, the last thing I wanted to be seen holding was Jennie's sex toy.

"How come you're back?"

"Some drunkard puked all over me, I had to come back and change. I got Deputy Kwon waiting outside so I can't be long but I just wanted to let you know I spoke to Mike. It's his day off tomorrow and he's willing to take the van out for you. The butterfly park, right?"

The butterfly park?

"He is? Oh my god, that's so great dad! Yeah, the butterfly park. So everything is sorted, we can go?"

"Yeah, he'll pick them up at noon, got a wheelchair and extra oxygen in the ambulance. He will be with you all day just in case she needs some extra care."

I pressed my ear closer to the closet door, with perplexity written all over my face. Jennie's done something, planned something, something for my mom.

"I love you so much dad, you're literally my hero."

"Yeah you may as well hug me chicken legs, I don't even want you hanging out with this kid but obviously you see goodness in her that I don't. Just be careful, Jen."

I heard him leave and Jennie pulled open the doors. She set her warm gaze upon me and I stepped out slowly, too numb to speak or react.

"So, you heard that, right?" She uttered nervously. "I hope you're not mad but I kind of arranged for my dad's EMT friend to take us to the butterfly park with your mom. She'll be completely medically looked aft..."

I couldn't take it anymore, this feeling trapped inside. I craved Jennie more than I craved any drug. There was nothing I disliked about this girl, even her flaws were perfect and I needed a taste of that. I wanted to know her intimately, closely, vulnerably, and privately. I wanted her to be my first and only kiss.

So I paced forward and raked my hand through her soft hair, her lips parted and her beautiful eyes filled with desire. I brushed my lips against hers, slowly, softly, and delicately. Her lips were a sweet touch of angel wings. Filled with magic and promise of everything good to come. My tongue gently touched her lower lip and she had no qualms deepening the kiss. The passion between us made me dizzy. I liked Jennie, I loved her but kissing her made so many sparks fly we nearly burnt down the whole damn house.

It was sensual and heartfelt, everything I had hoped for and more. Her insistent mouth sent wild tremors along my nerves and I knew once this kiss ended, I'd be suffering with the worst withdrawal of my life.

"Jennie." I said, in a breathy way.

I held her at a small distance, my fingers through her hair. Her eyes were golden, like sun directly hitting a glass of brandy, considering I was well and truly drunk off Jennie. They were sweet, luminous and penetrating in the best way, she could see into my soul and I let her. Knocking down all my defences and leaving myself open to be hurt.

This was Jennie.

I was kissing Jennie.

How fucking lucky was I?

I tried to lock every detail of this perfect moment into my memory.

"I can't believe I'm actually kissing you." I whispered. "I have wanted this for so long."

"Yes. Kiss. Now." She chewed on her lower lip. "More." She pleaded, pulling me into her by the string on my joggers. I laughed against her mouth, trying my hardest to keep my lower body from pressing into her.

She was magic. I could see, feel and taste every colour in the rainbow. Like an explosion of fireworks going off inside my stomach. What I felt kissing Jennie, was beyond words. My whole life I have been waiting for this elevating moment, waiting for her and now I have finally got her.

But I don't have her.

I can't have her.

There are too many obstacles in the way.

I pulled back from our kiss abruptly and she held her swollen lips. I'm so fucking stupid, did I expect my problems to just be evaporated by her lips?

"Shit. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that."

She appeared confused.

"That was not supposed to happen, we already negotiated our deal and kissing wasn't part of that payment. Can we just forget that happened?"

"What?" She questioned, looking lost and flushed and oh so fucking beautiful.

"I'm sorry Jennie, I've got to go."

I didn't give her a chance to speak, I just rushed to the door and managed to get out of the house without her dad seeing me. I royally fucked up.

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