Chapter 42

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"So, your hearing is next month. Your charts are looking good, seems like you've been complying with the rules. Am I correct in thinking that you've had no contact with Nancy or her family?"


"Good, that's for the best." He leaned forward and took a mint imperial from a small ceramic bowl and popped it into his mouth. "Your principal seems pleased with your overall progress this semester. He mentioned to me about an educational trip to France, open to your whole grade."

"Yeah." I scoffed at the thought.

He glanced down at the little tester strip he used on my urine and smiled. "The courts are willing to make an exception on the terms of your arrest so your education doesn't suffer. Though you will be highly monitored throughout the trip, you are able to go, provided that your drug tests are clean."

"I couldn't afford it anyway." He ate another mint imperial, while rolling the white ball around his tongue.

"You're on pupil premium, the school will pay." I sat back in the orange chair and exhaled.

"I can't leave my mom alone for a week, she's sick. I'm not going." He frowned.

"That's a shame Lisa, if the judge could see that you're really trying in school. Your grades are improving, you are participating in school activities and trips, that could really sway her decision in your favour."

"I said I can't leave my mom!" My irritation picked up and I snapped at him. He raised his brows at me, threatening me to pipe down.

"If the judge finds you guilty of raping Nancy, you'll be leaving your mom for a long time. Perhaps in hindsight, a week is not that long."

My brows furrowed with his mentality. It made sense. I should be doing everything that I possibly can to not get sent to prison. If the judge decides that I'm guilty, I'll get sent away and by the time I'm released, my mom probably won't be here anymore. Teddy stood up, gathered his things and headed towards the door, taking a few more mint imperials for the road.

"Congratulations by the way, this is the first time that you've ever passed your drug test. Whatever instilled this change in you, keep it up."

"I'm trying." I grunted.

"Call me if you change your mind about France, you ought to have a good think about it, because taking steps to better your education really appeals to the judge, Lisa. Maybe speak with your mom, see how she feels. I'll see you in three weeks time."

I left just as the school bell rang and the hallways started filling up with teenagers whose problems were minuscule in comparison to mine. All I wanted to do was ditch last period, head to the roof and smoke it out listening to music.

I spotted her in the hallway, standing by her locker. She was surrounded by people, her friends. Jennie was popular and I could understand why. People just saw her goodness and were drawn to her aura. She laughed loudly, tipping her head back and I smiled to myself. Lucas spun her around under his arm and her floral dress twirled with her. I caught a flash of her burgundy underwear and averted my gaze shyly. She quickly patted her dress down like Marilyn Monroe, trying to conceal her modesty and then playfully shoved Lucas away.

I wonder if she was going to France, not that it would matter. She would be hanging out with her friends the entire time and I would be stuck in my introverted bubble. Alone, all week.

The bell rang again, making me jump out of my skin. Her friends started dispersing one by one. Lucas, Rosé and Jennie started walking my way. Lucas moonwalking backwards through the halls, Rosé talking non-stop about something and Jennie hugging books to her chest. As she passed by me our eyes met and my heart skipped a beat.

"Hi." She uttered at me with a sweet smile.

My brows furrowed at her unexpected greeting and my voice box locked up. I wanted to scream 'hi' back but she had already passed me and I had missed my opportunity. Instead I silently watched her walk to her next class and even after she had disappeared inside the door, I still stood watching the blank hallway until I snapped myself out of it and went up to my roof.

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