Chapter 79

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"I need to get ready for tonight, can we do this another time?" She closed over the file and stood up, I knew she was avoiding her most recent charges - the rape allegations. I don't believe she's guilty but I still wanted to hear her side of the story.

"Oh, yeah. Sure. Of course." I lay back on her bed and put my feet up, she looked at me strangely. "Who are you meeting tonight, a regular?"

"Jennie, don't even try." She pulled open her closet door and cast her eyes over her clothes. I propped my head up on my hand and watched her. She flicked through each of her fancier clothes.

I felt a heavy tugging on my heart strings, I didn't want Lisa to go. Whenever I thought about her having sex with someone else I felt jealous and hurt, I hated feeling like that especially since Lisa had no ties to me. But I'm only human and the heart wants what it wants.

"Can I pick out your outfit?" I asked, trying to make myself feel alright about this. She turned back to face me over her shoulder and chuckled. "I'll make you look so hot, she'll pay you double." I smiled, masking my inner anguish.

"Ok, I guess, if you want but I got to shower first and..." she whistled twice and shook her curved hand in a jerking motion. I darted upright on her bed, eyes like saucers.


She laughed at me. "I got to yank the old chain if you know what I mean and you're kind of on my bed." I looked down at her bed sheets and my lips contorted into disgust. She laughed louder. "It's alright. I'll do it in the shower." She grabbed a grey bath towel and left the room.

"What?" I said to myself in her absence.

She was clever, I'll give her that. All this time I could sense how anxious she was about showing me her file. But honestly, right now? I wasn't thinking about her file. I was thinking about her, about her naked body, the water trickling down her chest, maybe her free hand gripping the wet tile as she pleasured herself. What was she thinking about? Why is she doing that before she goes and fucks someone? Did something turn her on? So she usually does it on her bed, the bed I'm sitting on right now? I jumped up quick and pulled the covers back, inspecting over every inch of her sheets for marks. I hope she cleaned her sheets, I don't want to be sitting in her jizz. Gross!

"What are you looking for?" I gasped at the sound of her voice behind me. I had spent far too long procrastinating over this. Now she was back.


"Pretty sure you're not gonna find me hiding under the covers."

I spun around and fell down on her mattress. She was semi-naked. She had underwear and a tank top on and that ankle monitor but still, fuck she was sort of naked. "Did you picked me something to wear?" She flicked through the clothes in her wardrobe.

"Jizz." She looked back at me over her shoulder. I pointed down to her mattress. "On the bed." Mentally I slapped myself for not being able to get my stupid words out. "I was looking for jizz on the bed." Her smile grew, sparkling her hazel eyes like a forest in the spring sunshine. They always looked more green than brown when she smiled.

"Are you a virgin, Jennie?"

I swallowed down a gulp.

"It's cool if you are but I'll be more mindful what I say around you if you're a little squeamish about sex."

"I'm not." I answered stubbornly, my mind going to places I didn't feel comfortable with. "A virgin or squeamish. I just don't want your seed anywhere near me." I couldn't stop my mouth from pouting childishly. A laugh vibrated through her chest.

"Then maybe you shouldn't sit on my bed." Her smile didn't extinguish. "Or on my sofa. Or in my shower. Or on my rooftop. Or on your sofa..."

I swatted her chest. "You pig!"

She laughed. "Jennie, I'm kidding. I can ensure you that I wash my bedsheets regularly and this morning's tug mostly landed on my chest. Right here." She moved her finger up her chest. "Now pick my clothes out because I'm gonna be late and I'm freezing my ass off here."

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