Chapter 100

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Art, I didn't get it. Oversized paintings hung on the wall. I stood by and admired them for a while, I expected portraits of people or animals. Still life paintings or landscape art. But this was just crap. A black canvas with a simple small red square central to the frame. What was so inspiring and creative about that?

I moved onto the next one and tilted my head to the side trying to make out what I was actually seeing. It was a mixture of blending blobs in grey scale hues. I thought maybe it was an optical illusion at first, perhaps if I stared at it long enough I would see something. But no, it was just more crap.

The next one was literally a blank canvas. I assumed nobody had painted on it yet but it was actually titled 'blank canvas' and there was a description about the painting, what inspired the artist and his thought process when creating this master piece.

I spotted Jennie a few paintings away, she gazed up lovingly at a canvas, really appreciating it. I guess she 'got it.'

"It's really inspiring stuff, isn't it?" I said as I approached her. I wanted to seem clever, like I knew what I was talking about. I wanted to impress her and take an interest in the things she seemed to like. "I mean look at those brushstrokes, they're like perfect or whatever." What the fuck was I saying?

She looked at me and furrowed her brows, then she looked back at the painting. It was a cow in a field. A very child-like shitty cow that didn't deserve to be in a world famous art gallery. I could've drawn better with my eyes closed and I can't draw.

"I don't know." She said, still looking at the painting. "It's a bit shitty." My head turned to her, and a smile grew on my face. "I don't really get art." She admitted.

"Oh thank god, because I don't either." She laughed at me and we continued walking to the next painting.

"So did you pass your drug test?"

"Is that just another way of you asking if I'm using again?" I asked.

"Yeah." She admitted.

"I passed. I haven't taken drugs in weeks. I've thought about them though. The want for them never goes away. I want them right now."

"So what Rosé said back there..."

"You don't have to explain anything to me." I stopped her, not wanting to hear it. "It's none of my business."

Right, keep things professional, Lisa. She's asexual, that's not the girl for you.

"Oh." She said, almost sounding sad. "Okay."

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