Chapter 92

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At a rapid speed he started apologising profusely and removing the handcuffs from around Lisa's wrists.

"Make sure you do things by the book from here on out. Got to go pee."

I looked back at myself in the aircraft mirror, it was tiny and warped. I rubbed my face and shook my head. I just made a complete show out there. Lisa would probably never forgive me for embarrassing her like that and the kids at school probably won't stop talking about it for a while. I think some of them even got it on video.

"Idiot." I mouthed back at myself and then turned to unlock the door. As I pushed it open, someone grabbed it from me and pulled it further ajar, stepping inside and locking the door behind her.

"That was so fucking hot." She lifted me to straddle her waist and sat me on the sink unit, using her arms to hold the majority of my weight because we both knew the tiny aircraft sink wouldn't. I gasped and searched the golden tones of her eyes before I felt her lips on mine.

One hand supported my weight, the other clutched my hair. Our kiss was different this time, it had more need. Her lips moved against mine with urgency and longing, trying to satisfy her desire with the taste of me. Her body pinned me against the shitty sink, it didn't feel safe but that was the fun of it. This tiny bathroom, the thought of getting caught, the naughty-ness of her one wandering hand which was lifting my shirt and caressing up the skin of my stomach. Tickling me and causing tingles throughout my body.

She pulled her lips away from mine. "Fuck, I shouldn't be kissing you again. What are we doing?" I laughed but she halted my laughter with her lips again. Her hand moved upwards and she cupped my bare breast. I kissed her harder and she gave my hardened nipple a squeeze between her finger and thumb.

"Jennie." She whispered, her voice smooth and seductive.

She moved her head towards my neck and I stopped moving. Instantly I tensed, feeling her hot breath on my skin.

This is your fault Jen, your neck turned me on. I couldn't resist.

I clenched my hand into fists and pushed it into her, she pulled her head out of my neck and looked at me with confusion, stopping the magical work her fingers were conjuring up. I pushed into her again with my fists, trying get some distance between us. She looked confused but immediately backed up as much as she could.

"Stop, get off! Get away from me!" I breathed out, wiping the slimy marks off my neck with my sleeve. "I didn't want that." Her brows knitted together.

"What?" She asked.

"I said, I didn't want it. You catch that on your stupid fucking tape recorder!?" I ran the cold tap and dabbed water on my neck. "Get out!"

"Jennie, I..."

"You're what? You're sorry? Yeah, you should be."

"No, I don't understand."

"Just get the fuck out, Lisa! Get the fuck out before I scream down this whole damn plane!"

Her eyes widened and she looked down at her crotch, fixing herself into a less obvious shape. She looked back at me one more time, her face clouded in whatever thoughts were running through her mind.

"Get the fuck out!" My volume picked up and she left.

I sat down on the toilet and dropped my head into my hands, sobbing earnestly. I didn't even look at her when I returned back to my seat. I just shoved my earphones in and watched a movie.

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