Chapter 62

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I tried my hardest to keep up with her, to do everything she instructed of me. I could sense her frustration but she kept up a positive attitude and only told me encouraging, and supportive things.

Dancing was Jennie's art, like someone had injected liquid adrenaline directly into her bloodstream, sending her on a high. Dancing was her drug, it lifted her into euphoria and I understood that feeling more than anyone. Her body stretched in ways I didn't believe was possible, her rhythm was interesting and delightful.

Her footsteps seemed weightless, floating on the scattered raindrops, causing artful splatters of water all around her whenever she twirled or slide.

I didn't want to dance, I wanted to watch her. I could've watched her for hours. The mesmerising way her body moved, majestic and magical, like the music flowed right through her. The way her skin got coated in a shimmering layer of sweat, the way her cheeks got a touch of rose and the way she breathed a little heavier through those perfectly pink lips.

We danced until the last dregs of daylight had disappeared and the bright floodlights broke through the darkness.

In comparison to her, I was a shaker, not a mover. Dancing was Jennie's freedom, but my entrapment. My body was locked, like all my joints had been super-glued together. My movements were shy, tight and awkward, like my foot was clasped with a dead weight. She made it look easy but it wasn't.

"You did so great, shall we try the lift?"

I shrugged one shoulder nonchalantly.

"Catch me."

Without giving me a chance to react, she ran to me, while pointing her toes with each step. I panicked for the split second before she jumped into my arms and I stumbled backwards, slipping on the wet sludgy mud. I fell back onto the ground with her tumbling after me. The grass broke my fall, and my body broke hers.

"Ow." I muttered, a little shell shocked.

"Are you okay?" She asked with concern.

I thought the fall dazzled me but her eyes up close were the most dazzling things that I had ever laid my eyes upon. They were opalescent and enchanting, reflecting the white glow of the harsh floodlights making them appear sparkly and full of wonder. They were a rich chestnut colour; a shade somewhat trapped between brown and red.

My eyes floated down to her lips, they were merely millimetres away from my mine. She wasn't even doing anything in particular with them, they were naturally just alluring, soft-looking and flawless. There was always an honest smile hidden somewhere on them.

"Better get used to it, nobody's gonna catch you when you fall." She stood up and held her hand out to help me up.

I rubbed the back of my head where I collided with the floor and frowned, mostly at her choice of words.

"I'm aware." I mumbled.

"Let's call it quits for today." She started redressing in her leggings and sweater. "You got any dates tonight?" She smiled at me softly, I think she was attempting to make general conversation with me but she had no idea how much it killed me inside.

"No." I grumbled.

"How are you doing without the drugs?"

"Fine, I guess." I kicked a stray stone and cast my eyes down. Sometimes the withdrawal is hard, sometimes I'm not even thinking about drugs. Right now, I'm thinking about drugs.

"Cool." She picked up her phone and hovered nervously. "So I'll definitely pay you, but we've got till Friday to get you on the team. Do you think you'll be able to spare some more time before then?"


"It's just till Friday, Lisa and I'll pay. Whenever you want I'll practice, it doesn't have to be straight after school. If we can get an hour in every day, that would be perfect."

"Fine. I'll let you know."

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