Chapter 61

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Dusk was setting in around us, Jennie brought us to the lacrosse field. The grass was still wet and the air had a sweet post-rain scent to it. She scooped all of that dark hair back into a loosely tied ponytail and I got busy setting my phone up to record us.

"The audio won't pick up with the music, I'm videoing it. Is that okay with you?" I leaned my phone against the cast iron of the bleacher benches and it took a few attempts before it stayed put. When I turned around, Jennie was removing her leggings.

"Video is probably for the best anyway, you can watch it on loop and learn from your mistakes." She pulled off her sweater and set her clothes down on the wet bench. "Are you ready?"

"Uh..." she had little skin tight shorts on now and a sports bra. Her body was so ribbed, she had a thigh gap that accentuated her groin area and her stomach had a dent down the middle between her ribs. There wasn't an ounce of fat on her perfect body and that worried me. Was she taking care of herself?

"So, I was thinking we should start with a warm up, just have fun with it for one song and then I'll teach you the steps?"

"Okay then." I answered sceptically, I already knew that I was gonna suck at this. I felt like a fool.

She messed with her phone and then settled on 'Firework' by Katy Perry then she started dancing, not like a ballerina or whatever. Just as if she were at a party. I watched her, the way she swayed her hips and moved her feet looked amazing. Her hands were up, running through her hair and she genuinely seemed to be having fun. I can't dance like that, how the heck do I do that?

She beckoned me closer with her finger and timidly I took steps towards her. I awkwardly stood still next to her. She draped her hands on my shoulders and clasped them behind my neck, moving her body to the music next to me.

"Dance." She laughed.

"Jennie, I can't dance."

She turned around now, so her back was against my front, shimmying her hips over me. My eyes widened, through these thin tights, I could feel everything. I wanted to step back but at the same time, I didn't.

"You're too stiff, loosen up."

Sweet Jesus, if she didn't stop dancing like that, I was going to be even stiffer. As if she could read my mind, she turned to face me again and stopped dancing.

"Okay, like this." She grabbed my hands and placed them low down on her waist, my head automatically darted towards my phone, making sure it was still recording us. "It's okay, it's still recording. Relax." She spoke with a smile.

"I'm sorry." I don't know what I was apologising for, my shyness, my need to record us or the fact I know that I'm not going to make the dance team by Friday.

"It's okay, just relax. Move with my hips, have fun." I moved in sync with her hips, concentrating on my rhythm. "Yeah, that's it. Let go Lisa." I took my hands off her hips immediately and she laughed. "Not of me, I meant let go. Lose control." She replaced my hands on her hips and clutched hers around my neck again. Together we danced. The more the song went on, the more fun we seemed to have, our bodies got closer, our faces are filled with smiles and I raked my fingers through her hair. I wanted to lean in and kiss her, to feel the brush of her lips against mine. The mood was right, the vibe was there. I could so easily just kiss her, right here, right now.

Except the song changed over and she pulled away. I swallowed down my regret.

"That was great. Now watch me." She changed the song to one that I didn't recognise and then she stood in front of me, doing uniformed and calculated steps. She counted out loud during each of her footwork and everything was precise and professional. "Then we end on a lift." She stopped the music and gave me a brief nod.

"Fuck Jennie, I'm no ballerina." She laughed, the head tilting kind of laugh that she always do. I smiled but I didn't know what she found so funny.

"Neither am I, did you think that was ballet? I'm not nearly poise enough to be a ballerina."

"Fuck if I know." I shrugged.

"Let's try the dance, I'll break it down for you step by step. Don't worry if we don't get it all done tonight. Ready?"

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