Chapter 64

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"It's okay, I'm on birth control."

She thrashed me out, with my feet gathering sand piles all around me. Her movements were so different, and I'm sure that Krystal would approve of.

"No, I use contraception."

We did the footwork separately, but I paid less attention to mine and more attention to hers. Her movements were glazed with meticulous care, every step correct, and every toe pointed.

"Tell me what you like, Jennie." My eyes widened and I looked at her but she was looking out to sea, keeping her head straight just like I've been trying to get her to do ever since we started practicing.

"What do you want me to do to you?"

Suddenly my mouth dried. I've had sex with two people my whole life. She had girls and their different kinks practically every night. Shouldn't she be the one to tell me?

"What do you want to do to me, Lisa?" I deferred the question to her. She blew out air, like she was hot and then broke her straight-forward glance to look at me.

"That's not how it works." She stated, grabbing my waist to continue our dance together. "You pay for me, I can do anything you want - except kiss you, fuck you bareback, stay the night with you, go on vacation with you. You don't get to do stuff to me. The aim is for you to cum, not me. I give you an hour, if you're a good girl and you cum fast, I'll make you cum again. I can make you cum three times, that's the limit, after that you pay me double or say goodbye. If you're into edging, then I can edge you for an hour but I'm not going over that time frame unless you pay more. All monies to be paid in advance, like pre-discussed. If you're serious about this and you want to fuck, then I am gonna need an immediate transaction. And Jennie? I don't usually do this. I don't get involved with anyone that I know on a personal level. You're the exception and I feel the need to remind you right now that this is a confidential deal between us. You cannot tell anyone about this which includes but is in no way limited to Rosé."

Fuck, she was taking this really seriously. I actually felt guilty that I had led her on with false intentions. It felt awkward pressing into her raging boner. But on the plus side, her dance moves were better than they had ever been.

"Tell me what do you want? What turns you on?"

"Uhhh." I swallowed.

"I promise you Jennie, I've seen it, heard it, and smelt it all. There's nothing that would surprise me, don't feel awkward sharing exactly what you want."

"Like what?"

"Everything. Golden showers, BDSM, degrading, role play, food play, foot fetish. God, there are so many things."

As the song trailed to an end, I ran towards her and she grabbed me, lifting me above her head and holding me steady until the song faded to a complete stop. Slowly she moved me down her body, landing my feet back down onto the sand and we stood looking at one another. I took a few steps back, breaking out of her hold.

"I'm sorry." I held my hand to my lips to stop my laughter falling out. "I don't want to pay for sex, I just said that to get your mind off the dance moves." Her lips parted slightly and she wore a blank look in her eyes.

"You just... I just... fuck! I just told you all of that!"

"Your dancing was amazing." I offered with amusement. Danger flashed in her eyes and she launched towards me.

I ran, giggling my little ass off as she chased me towards the water. She kicked a cold splash towards me and I tried to shield myself.

"You think that was funny huh?" She kicked another splash at me and I kicked one back. Leaving soggy footprints as I ran along the shore. "I was so fucking nervous! I was freaking out!"

"Yeah, you sure felt like you were freaking out." I glanced down at her crotch which was still housing a pogo stick. Her cheeks tinted in the moonlight and I laughed. "Catch me!" I yelled, running towards her and casting cold splashes everywhere.

Her eyes widened, thinking about the movement and she grabbed me, failing to hoist me above her head and instead dropping us both down onto the wet sand.

"See, you suck without my distraction."

Her eyes searched mine and she locked a strand of hair behind my ear. For a moment, a brief stilling moment, I thought she was going to kiss me. She even started to get closer but then a wave crashed into us and we started laughing, jumping to our feet quickly.

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