Chapter 119

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I have no idea what she was thinking but she seemed happy, relaxed and utterly sated. She lay on her tummy, with her head resting on her forearms and her dark hair fanning out down her back. I wanted to lock every inch of her beauty into my memory because I had no idea how long this perfection would last.

I drew a happy face with my finger on her naked back and she turned to me smiling. "You finally drew a happy face." She commented softly. I mirrored her smile.

"You could tell what I drew?" I asked, a little surprised.

"I've been watching you draw them all week. They let me know what mood you're in."

I laughed, I only ever drew a straight mouth, a frown or - on the day she wouldn't speak to me, an upside down smile. She rolled over, bringing the white sheet around to conceal her nudity. "Lisa, what happens after tomorrow?"

My smile fell.

I had avoided thinking about this. Tomorrow is our last day here, I get to go home. See my mom, make up for missed time. Go back to paying for her medication, the bills, the lawyers and Bryan's debts. Resume my escorting business. And if I thought it was hard before, now it was going to ruin me.

"I can't stop what I do Jennie, I really want to but I can't. I don't expect you to stand by that and I don't want you to wait for me because that would be like waiting for my mom to die and I can't bear that thought."

Her mouth moved but no words came out, she just processed mine quietly and then took a deep breath. "I can't stay with you knowing that you're going off on dates and having sex with other girls, it would hurt too much."

"I understand but until things clear up for me financially, I'm trapped."

She nodded her head and then smiled but it didn't reach her eyes, not even close. "So, we have tomorrow?" She asked sadly.

"We have tomorrow." I repeated, determined to make our last day together the best day ever.

"And then we go back to, what? Being friends?"

I winced, I hated that. I didn't want to be her friend. I never wanted to be her friend.

"Or not." She commented after seeing my reaction.

"Don't friend-zone me." I half joked.

She laughed and shook her head. "Is that why you always refused to let me call you a friend?"

"Yeah, obviously Jennie."

She laughed harder, I loved making her laugh. It was like music to my ears, the best melody. "Lisa, some of the best relationships are built on friendship. That's how emotional bonds are formed, you can depend on me to be there for you. I can depend on you to be there for me. Please be my friend." She pouted playfully, while trying to look all cute and innocent.

I sighed. "Fine. We can be friends, I suppose." I caved.

"Good, because I need a favour." She sat up, bringing the sheet with her, exposing the top half of my body to the coldness of the room. She looked back at me, fixing her hair to fall straight. "So there's this thing, it's so tedious and boring but I attend it because of my dad and I would really like for you to come along with me."

"God, you wasted no time cashing in on those friend benefits, did you?"

She laughed.

"What is it?"

"It's like an award celebration thing. Everyone dresses fancy and the cops get rewarded for their heroic behaviour. It's an annual event."

I sat up and hardened my expression on her. She had to be joking. "You want me to go to a party with a room full of cops?"

Her smile fell, as if in that moment she realised what she was asking of me. "Please, Lisa." She poked me playfully. "There will be food and dancing and it could be fun. I really want you there."

"No way!" I laughed.

"I'll pay you."

I stopped laughing now and looked into her eyes, those beautiful cinnamon-brown eyes blinked at me with hope. She really wanted me there, it was important to her, I could tell. She probably wanted me to get to know her dad, he was important to her just as my mom was to me. It was an impossible alliance but I had to try, for Jennie.

"Okay, fine. You don't need to pay me but I'm only doing this for the food, so it better be good."

She genuinely smiled now and snuggled down under the bedsheets, clutching onto my arm. Her body felt warm pressed against mine and she smelt like a sweet-treat inside a bakery, one covered in almonds. She faced away from me, wiggling her bum back into my crotch and pulled my arms around her protectively. "I love how small I feel in your arms." She whispered in dosed voice. "You make me feel safe." Her lips pressed against my hand and I closed my eyes, feeling sad that this was our last night together.

Years of pining after Jennie, weeks of being as whipped as cream, days of pure happiness all amounting to this very moment. The moment of impending doom, like the last Sunday of summer. The hourly countdown, with each one seeming shorter than the other.

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