Chapter 17

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"Taehyung! Hands!"

"Oh sorry Jen, they slipped."

Sure they did, that's the billionth time this week I've had to remove his hands from my ass and when we dance in close proximity he often tries to feel my breasts. I wrote it off at first, as simple mistakes. Then I gave him the benefit of the doubt, believing that it was just because I was a new partner and he was testing the boundaries. But now, it was getting too much. He was making me feel uncomfortable and turning something which I love into something that I hate.

"Okay guys, rein it in." Krystal shouted. We all circled around her, panting from our vigorous workout. "We'll call it here for today. At practice tomorrow, we'll be doing the lifts. I need some of the guys to come by early and help get the mats out. Mino and I will demonstrate now so we can just go straight into it."

I watched as Mino grabbed Krystal's inner thigh and artfully lifted her above his head. His hand was situated close to her vagina. Okay, it was nowhere near it but in Taehyung's terms it was so close. We wore really short shorts and a sports bra, Taehyung would have full rein to slip his finger inside.

"You coming along, Jen?" Rosé asked me, snapping me out of my panic. I followed after her to the girls locker room. I took a T-shirt out of my gym bag and pulled it over my sports bra. Nervously I chewed down on my thumb while I waited for Krystal to get out of the shower. "I'm thinking about going pinkish-blonde." Rosé contemplated, while dressing next to me.

Krystal appeared in front of me cocooned in a towel and I jumped up from the bench, walking towards her.

"Krystal, I don't want to do the lifts tomorrow." She crinkled her nose up. "It's Taehyung, I don't trust him. I don't feel comfortable with him. I want a new partner."

She laughed me off. "Jen, everyone is matched up according to weight and size, there's no one else. You know that." She continued walking to her changing station, dismissing my concerns completely and instead setting her clothes out.

"He touches me and stuff."

She turned to face me slowly and raised her brows in surprise. Finally, she's gonna listen. "He touches you? Where?"

I shrugged. "Mostly my ass."

She rolled her eyes. "Oh Jen, don't be a baby. They have to touch your ass. It's dancing."

"No, this is different, he like squeezes me and pushes me into his crotch and if he can get away with it, he goes for my boobs too." She smirked.

"That's hot."

"That's not hot! What the fuck Krystal! Jen, he touches you? Why didn't you say anything?" Rosé jumped to my defence but it made me cower down inside. Why didn't I say anything?

"I don't know, I just hoped that if I ignored it, he would stop on his own but he never did."

Krystal sighed like I was getting on her nerves. "Listen, I can't do anything about the partner swaps right now. We'll run try outs in a few weeks after the recital. Hopefully someone will sign up that suits your stats. Until then, you'll just have to suck it up. You're obviously open to it, you sat next to a rapist this morning in English class. Taehyung is a just harmless pervert, just a little handsy and now that we know about it, we'll all be looking out for it."

"Girl, hold me back because I'm about to murder this bitch!" Rosé stomped forward and Krystal flinched.

"Stop, it's okay. I've put up with it this long, what's a few more weeks?" I couldn't let Rosé get kicked off the dance team for me. I'll just suck it up.

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