Chapter 36

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My alarm clock beeped and my eyes widened to the size of golf balls. Immediately, I sat up and threw myself out of bed. Lisa was exactly where I left her. Tangled up in a knitted blanket on our sofa, mouth open, eyes closed and breathing heavily.

My dad, however sat on a chair. Watching her like some psychopath creep. He didn't even blink, he just sat staring at Lisa with his gun in his hand. Locked and loaded.

"Nice pyjamas Jen, made a special effort for any particular reason?" I looked down at my red silk two piece and twisted up my lip. He knows damn well that I always wear an old oversized tee to bed, I was making things far too obvious.

"Dad, I can explain... she was in a bad way last night. I couldn't just leave her." His gun bounced off his palm in a rhythmic way, the nape of his neck was starting to redden, giving it away that he was very angry.

"Leave her where exactly?" He asked slowly, like a damn interrogation that he gives to one of his criminals.

I swallowed. "At a party. Scott's brother, he had like a small get together." I tried to sound as casual as I possibly could but that wasn't very possible with Lisa sleeping just a few yards away and dad holding a pistol in his hand.

"Jen!" My dad shouted, making Lisa's eyes dart open. She flinched away, backing up on the sofa. Looking at me, looking at my dad, looking at the revolver. Silence fell upon us all.

Then Lisa spoke.

"Sir." Her throat sounded dry, raspy and tired. She cleared her throat and then held her hand out for my dad to shake it. Reluctantly my dad remembered his manners and shook it.

"Lisa." She officially introduced herself politely.

"I know who you are, I've arrested you enough times. The last time we crossed paths, I gave you a warning, now I find that you're mingling with my daughter. You're treading on dangerous ground, kiddo." The handshake ended and Lisa lowered her head respectfully.

"Dad! Please!"

"I'm sorry, I should leave." Lisa stood up, she folded up the blanket and placed it back down on the sofa.

"No, you'll stay." Dad replied, taking us both by surprise. "Have breakfast with us, after all Jen dressed up for the occasion." Lisa's eyes trailed my body quickly before returning her gaze back on my dad. My face was turning as red as my pyjamas.

"Oh my God, dad!" I was actually dying of embarrassment.

"I wouldn't want to intrude sir, I'll get out of your way. Let you enjoy your Sunday." She eyed the gun and then gave my dad a curt nod.

"You've already intruded kiddo, now you'll stay and have pancakes with us. I'd quite like to know what your association is with my daughter."

"I..." Lisa began.

"Breakfast." My dad cut her off.

My dad moved himself over to the kitchen, humming a song to himself as he added buttermilk to a pan. Lisa and I shared a glance but said nothing. The silence between us was painful but neither of us could talk, not with my father eavesdropping.

In no time at all, there was a stack of pancakes waiting for us in the middle of the table. Lisa pulled out my chair and then sat down in her own, I bit back my smile at how respectful and polite she was being in front of my dad - or in front of my dad's gun. I took small bites, feeling too nervous to eat.

"So, did you go to this party together?" My dad asked.

"No, sir. I didn't know that she would be there." Lisa replied honestly.

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