Chapter 90

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Suzy had been licking my toes for the past fifteen minutes. I used to be so squeamish about that, wanting to kick her off and wiggle away but now I've gotten used to it. She makes out with my feet, then I rub them over her clitoris to make her cum.

She's simply pleased and often doesn't even want intercourse. I didn't get it myself either, with the whole feet fetish. Especially mine. I think feet are gross and weird looking. I watched her lick up the side of my instep, gently nipping my skin with her teeth every now and then.

She looked up at me and smiled, I made fake sexual groans and she continued licking. All these kinks that I've tried and I haven't really found my own yet.

Suzy was beautiful, slim faced and brunette haired. It didn't disgust me - looking down and seeing my foot in her mouth but the imagery wasn't as appealing as it could be if it was someone else with my foot in her mouth.

Fuck, if Jennie wanted to lick my toes I'd be well up for that. She wouldn't need to pay me at all, I would just cum thinking about her tongue on my body.

"You like that?" She asked.

"I do."

I lay back, resting my head on my hands, really trying to get in the mindset of a foot fetish. To find the appeal but I couldn't stop thinking about Jennie and how I wanted her to ride my fucking face and bounce on my dick and pump me fucking dry with her dirty little mouth.

"That's the first time you've ever gotten hard while I'm doing this."

My eyes snapped open and I lifted my head slightly to look at her. She pointed to the obvious bulge in my boxer shorts.

"You're doing such a good job baby, let's make you cum now, yeah?" She positioned herself back on the bed, exposing her whole area to me. I rubbed her with my foot, teasing her before setting the rhythm that I know she likes. I talked dirty to her as I masturbated her and she made so many fucking sounds, loving every damn second. I poked my toe inside just as her climax ripped through her and then I stood up to get dressed.

"That was perfect. Same time next Wednesday?" She asked, while getting her phone out, probably to pre-pay for our midweek.

"Uh, I can't do next week. I'm away." I answered subconsciously. I froze, mid holding my buttons open. I'm away? Fuck, I was going to France, to practice dancing with Jennie. To make my mom feel better about herself. To risk everything for one girl.

"Away where?" She rolled around the bed, fishing her clothes that lay strewn everywhere up with her hands.

"Italy, business trip. Can't get out of it. But I will get in touch once I'm back and we'll definitely make the necessary arrangements."

"Well, that sucks." Suzy commented, not masking her disappointment at all.

"Tell me about it." I agreed. "Anyway, I better be going. See you when I'm back."

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