Chapter 30

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"Hello Mrs Robinson, you think she's Lisa's dealer?"

I stood in silence, unable to answer Rosé's question. I hoped she was Lisa's dealer, nothing more. Lisa talked to her, I could see her mouth moving non-stop. It was actually an unusual sight, seeing Lisa talk to someone. She was always alone and when she was forced into conversation it was reserved and quiet and moody. But here, to the woman, Lisa looked like she was saying more words than I ever thought she had in her vocabulary. The woman laughed at whatever Lisa was saying. Her breasts shaking with her giggles.

"You think it's her aunt or something?"

Lisa took a drink from her glass of water, the woman leaned over the table, caressed Lisa's arm and pushed her upper body forward, closer to her. Their whole body language screamed flirty, both of them. This certainly wasn't Lisa's aunt.

I thought I had a crush but the crippling jealousy and anger I felt inside from this, Mrs Robinson made me question the extent of my feelings towards Lisa.

"You think she's dating that woman? She's old enough to be Lisa's mom."

Maybe this is why I made her uncomfortable? Her cougar girlfriend didn't like me near her. I get insecurity, hell, I'm feeling it right now because compared to her, I was a kid. My body wasn't as developed as hers, I danced. I was tiny. With a small figure came naturally small breasts, the only thing I had on her, was age but obviously that wasn't a problem for Lisa. But maybe it was a problem for her girlfriend, she didn't feel comfortable with her talking to younger girls.

"Jen?" Rosé tore her eyes off Lisa and landed them on me, probably wondering why I was ignoring all of her questions. My conscious eyes were seeing something that my subconscious couldn't quite catch up on. It confused me, everything about it confused me. Realisation dawned on my best friend's face at the same time I think realisation dawned on me too.

I liked her, a lot. Certainly a lot more than I had admitted to myself before now.

"Let's go." I worded quietly.

"Wait" she grabbed my arm just as I was about to walk off. Her blue eyes set their gaze on me softly, full of inquisition. "There's nothing going on between you two, right? Because I'll go over there, kick her ass and squirt the ketchup in that woman's ten dollar bleach job. You just say the word... and get ready to run." I shook my head.

"Nothing even remotely. Me and her, we're not even a possibility. I make her uncomfortable. Let's go." She frowned but didn't put up much of a fight, we walked to Wendy's around the block with minimal conversation but each of us holding so many inner thoughts.

"For what it's worth, I'm sorry Jen." I looked at her strangely, while trying to down play my emotions. "That feeling that you're feeling now, it sucks but we've all been there. We've all seen the person that we like with another girl." She grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. I offered her a small but thankful smile in return.

"Forget it, it was a new feeling that I couldn't have even pursued because Lisa is so different from us. She's complicated and she's bad news. My dad would never allow me to be around someone like that, so it's better that it ended before it even started."

"Every girl wants the person that daddy wouldn't approve of." Rosé winked and I laughed.

"Well lucky for me, there's no shortage of those, guys are dicks. Plenty more fish in the sea, I just got to grab my hook." I mimicked a fishing rod action and Rosé laughed.

"Yeah well, I'm sure the dress for Scott's brother's party will get you a nice catch. A nice, ribbed, older, and college guy catch." We smirked at one another, it was a pretty hot dress.

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