Chapter 115

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The cold air hit me the second I stepped out of the hot shower. Humid steam congregated against all surfaces but I refrained from drawing faces and instead traced my palm against the dent I made in the plaster wall. It wasn't huge, or deep but it had left a mark and I felt stupid. I let the drugs control me that much, they plagued my mind and commanded my actions. 

Aggressively, I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body, tucking it in at the waist so that it didn't fall off and give Jennie a fright.

"Hey." I greeted as I stepped into the room, on the lookout for some clothes. Her alluring brown eyes raised from her phone screen and landed on me.

"Hey." She answered, eyeballing me with a wide-eyed gaze. "God, you're so hot." She put her phone down on the side table.

"You think I'm hot?" I questioned skeptically, and she giggled a response.

"Obviously Lisa." She shuffled to the end of our bed to get closer to me. "You'd be even hotter if we got rid of this." She grabbed the knot of my towel and looked up at me expectantly. I put my hands on her hands to stop her and her cheeky smile grew.

"Are you serious?" I asked, still living the nightmare of her teasing me on the beach.

"Yeah, I told you Lisa. I wanted to try." I removed my hand and she pulled off my towel, tossing it aside. I waited for her to laugh at the sight of my body springing to life but she didn't. Instead her eyes floated down and I could feel my cheeks heating up, hoping I met her expectations. "Undress me." She demanded with a certain fire in her eyes.

A wave of butterflies soared through me, putting me right back at the butterfly park. My hands were trembling, not for the drugs this time but out of nervousness. This was Jennie. The girl of my fucking dreams. I grabbed her little silk button up and fumbled with her buttons. I don't know what was wrong with me, I couldn't do it easily and I was making an idiot of myself. I dropped the material of her shirt thanks to my clammy palms and struggled to unhook some of her buttons.

Eventually she just pulled the damn thing over her head and tossed it aside, wanting it off faster than my lame ass could manage. I swallowed thickly at the sight of her naked breasts, wanting to touch them but not feeling confident enough.

"I'm sorry, I'm nervous." I uttered shyly.

Her expression changed, she dropped her hands, looked down and appeared sad. My brows furrowed. "You're nervous because you're scared to fuck me, right? In case I freak out on you?"

I mean, I didn't want her to freak out. I wanted her to enjoy it as much as I know I would. I wanted her to feel safe. But that wasn't why I was nervous. Her eyes started welling with tears. "Am I ruining this for you?" She asked.

"No! God no!" I shrieked.

"You're nervous because we're not recording? Lisa, I would never..."

"No, Jennie that's not it." Softly I placed my hand on her chin and tilted her head up to look at me. "I've wanted this with you for so long and I'm nervous that I'm not going to live up to your expectations. I don't even know what you expect. This is all new to me."

"I just want you to be here, no stupid rules or boundaries. No contracts or tape recorders. Just you and me, here." I nodded, I could do that.

She grabbed my hand and dipped it inside her pyjama shorts, I gasped. "And I want you to be here. I want you to touch me, intimately. I want you to be the one that I willingly give my orgasm to."

I nodded at her request and then used two fingers to tease apart her lower lips and slipped my middle one towards her clit. She breathed out a sigh. "And I want to kiss you and touch you and follow wherever that leads." With my free hand, I tucked her hair behind her ear and pulled her closer.

"I can do that." I promised, while kissing her passionately and moving us both towards the bed.

She fell onto the mattress and I followed behind her, rolling off, so I was no longer hovering over her body, but now lying beside her. I caught her smile with my lips before shuffling down the bed and pulling her pyjama shorts off completely.

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