Chapter 84

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"No but hypothetically, say I booked you because the person I was with didn't listen to me and what I wanted out of my sex life. I come to you, wanting to feel valued. You'd be up for all my kinks, right?"

"Hypothetically, yes." Lisa spoke through gritted teeth.

Rosé turned to me and smiled, my heart lunged, beating a mile a minute. But then she turned back to Lisa.

"So if I wanted to, I don't know... off the top of my head... explore my lesbian side and have sex with Jen while you watched, you'd be okay with that?"

"N... no, I... I don't..."

"What if I paid for you to join in?"

"I... I don't do personal..."

"What if my kink was to pay you to have sex with my lesbian lover? Just you and Jen. Together. Would the rule still apply, or do you still not fuck anyone you know personally? Would you turn down the opportunity to fuck Jen?"

"What are you doing Rosé!?" I interrupted. Lisa squirmed uncomfortably in her seat, her hand tightened around her fork and her breathing got slightly deeper.

"I don't fuck anyone I know personally." She answered, strongly. But her eyes fleeted my way for a fraction of a second, that night on the beach she thought my offer was serious. She was up for it. She said I was the exception. Did she change her mind?

"Hmm." Rosé commented before taking another bite of her burger. "So you don't fuck anyone for yourself?"

Lisa stopped eating and paused thoughtfully. Rosé and I stopped eating too, both suddenly incredibly interested in her answer.

"I'm done with this conversation."

Rosé laughed, glanced down at her phone and then stood up. "Fine, but we'll pick it back up later. I got to meet Chan in the janitor's closet... for me."

"Wait, you're leaving?" I gave her the warning eyes and she smirked at me.

"See you guys at dance practice." She blew me a kiss and walked away. I glued my eyes to my dinner plate, suddenly aware that I was sitting alone with Lisa in the cafeteria and everyone was gawking at us. Watching every move, every expression, every smile we exchanged.

"So you told her that I thought you both were together?"

I chewed nervously on my lower lip. "I... uh..."

"And the beach? Did you tell her about the beach too?" She flicked pasta around on her plate. "Do you tell her everything?"

"I didn't tell her about the beach. I didn't tell her anything about you or us. I told her that you asked if we were together. I'm sorry. I'm sorry about her too." I spoke quietly, and Lisa sighed.

"We all have people in our life that we need to apologise for. How about we just don't?"

I nodded, feeling awkward and tossing pasta around on my own plate. "I like her though." She added surprising me. "In small doses."

I laughed.

"You pushed her into the swamp water on that field trip."

She laughed out loud, she always looked beautiful whenever she laughed. Full of lightness, her eyes olive and her dimples in full force. Her smile made me crush on her so hard and I just wanted to make her to repeat that laugh again and again.

"She was pissing me off."

"What did she do?"

She smiled shyly, her face flushing with a candy pink and just as sweet. She shrugged. "She was just, I don't know. Independent and she always knew what she wanted and how to get it. She had leader qualities, even back then and that pissed me off sometimes because she stepped on other people to make sure she was superior to all. I see that's not necessarily a bad thing now, she's definitely got the potential to go far in life. She's strong, not afraid to ask hard questions and is observant enough to notice potential in things that other people wouldn't. But at nine years old, Jesus Christ, she pissed me off. She stole the blue crayon and then somehow convinced everyone around her that their sky would look better red."

My smile faded, my face slowly morphing into confusion and realisation as the nostalgia replayed in my mind.

"It was my blue crayon, we argued on the bus for ages until I gave up and just coloured mine red because it wasn't worth spoiling hers."

"Yup exactly, so I pushed her into the swamp where she belonged. It's not nice to take advantage of someone's niceness."

"You pushed her in the swamp, for me?" I asked, taken aback.

"No of course not, I pushed her in to teach her a lesson." She was blushing more strongly now, her focus fell predominantly on her dinner plate. "Why are you looking at me like that Jennie?"

"You pushed her into the swamp for me."

"Okay, fine... I may have had a small crush on you when we were younger. It was a long time ago, so don't make things awkward."

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