Chapter 99

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What did she mean she didn't like sex or orgasms? Everybody likes sex and orgasms.

I wanted to ask her but we were stuck bumper to bumper in traffic somewhere in Paris, the bus hadn't moved for ages and I was starting to get a little irritated. I was here, sitting on a bus listening to Jennie talk to everyone around her but me and it felt pointless when I could be spending precious time with my mom.

Was it like, an asexual thing?

Fuck. I spent practically my whole life drooling over this girl. Jerking off to the thought of her riding me. Dreaming of her mouth around my dick. Fantasising about making her cum and all this time she's been asexual. I liked sex. I wanted to have sex with her. This made us even more incompatible than I once thought. It's like the universe was sending so many fucking signs as to why I wasn't meant to be with this girl.

"She's coming back for the holidays and I'm honestly dreading it. I haven't seen her since last Christmas and she hasn't tried to call me at all, even when she was in town a few weeks ago. I guess she needs money off my dad now so she supposedly wants to see me."

"I fucking hate that bitch!" Rosé spat out.

I drew a face in the condensation on the window, it didn't have a smile but it didn't have a frown either. The mouth was just straight.

"Why don't you just not see her?" Kai asked.

"Where else would I go for Christmas?" Jennie laughed off his suggestion in a casual way but he didn't laugh.

"You can spend the holidays with me at the ski cabin, remember how we used to do that as kids?"

"Yeah! The big ski slope!" She blurted out, through laughter. "The broken leg!" He laughed too. "Oh fuck the man with the cheeks!" Clearly both of them reliving a memory that nobody else was part of. I took my eyes off the misted window and glanced at Kai, he was still laughing. They both were. Trying to retell a story but I couldn't understand a word they were saying because they were laughing too much. It didn't matter anyway, I think that this story was just for them.

Rosé and I exchanged a look. She wasn't happy about them reminiscing and admittedly neither was I, but what rights did I have to be jealous? None.

"So what do you say Jen, you gonna spend the holidays with me?" He asked after their laughter settled down.

"Yeah, that sounds like fun, Kai." Jennie smiled really big but Rosé sighed even bigger. I rubbed my face off the window with my sleeve, a little too aggressively. He invited her for the fucking holidays! Who the fuck does that? Creep.

"That sounds amazing, tell me more. I'm mega interested to know all the details." Rosé spat out, a voice oozing in sarcasm. "Like after you fuck her, are you gonna ditch her again?"

My face snapped towards Rosé, they fucked? Jennie turned red and lowering herself down in her chair. But Kai and Rosé stared at one another.

"Rosé!" Jennie reprimanded.

"No, wait. She's not gonna fuck you again because my girl is smart. She knows the only reason you're bringing your small dick syndrome over here right now is because she's conveniently situated down the hall from you. You dip in, you dip out. Leave the country and never have to go there again."

"I'm not..."

"No, you're not." She interrupted him. "But you know who is? Lisa. Jennie doesn't have to tip toe down a corridor to get to her dick. It's right there in her bed."

Kai looked at me and I didn't know where to look.

"For fuck sake Rosé, would you stop?" Jennie begged.

"Hey, leave me out of it." I commented.

Nobody said anything else. It was tense and awkward and I went back to drawing moody faces on the window like it was an etch-a-sketch. I wondered how recently she fucked him, did he make her hate sex? Was he rough? Or just shitty? Maybe he really had a micro dick? Can one decide to become asexual later on? Of course they can, Lisa. Asexuality is a lack of sexual desire or attraction. They can still choose to have sex. I glanced her way. She was blushing ridiculously and mad at her best friend. She wouldn't look at anyone, feeling way too humiliated. I felt sad. Deep down, I started to believe she had a sexual attraction to me on some level. But fuck, she wasn't attracted to me at all. She never would be. All those times she'd get me railed up before dancing, it was fake.

Kai hated me right now, I could feel it. There was a whole lot of negativity encircling all of us and the bus was getting to be overwhelmingly hostile.

"Okay we're here. Stick with your buddies and your groups. Don't get lost. We leave in three hours."

Jennie slipped out of the seat first, she didn't wait for anyone else. She got up and walked at a fast pace towards the door. I fell in line with the other students forced to hold back while they slowly clambered their way out. Jennie stood outside the art exhibit, leaning against a trash can with her arms folded and a moody look on her face. I walked over to her, fixing the hood on my jacket so it sat more comfortably.

"You okay?"

Her eyes narrowed on me. "Yeah, fine!" She snapped, irritably.

"Hey kiddo, I need you to pee in this pot so I can drug test you. We didn't get around to it this morning." Teddy approached us. I shot him daggers through my eyes. Why did he need to say that so openly? "You can catch up with your buddy inside." I gave Jennie an apologetic smile and walked away. In the distance I could see her taking dangerous strides towards Rosé.

"You know who you're hanging out with, right?" Teddy asked, turning away from me slightly to give me a little extra privacy.

"Who? Jennie?" I peed into the pot.

"The sheriff's daughter, is that wise?" I shook my dick a couple of times then handed over the pot.

"No." I admitted honestly. It wasn't wise, but probably not for the same reasons he thinks.

"I wanted to go easy on you this vacation, give you some freedom but I can't do that with her sniffing around. I'm not risking my job for you."

"Jennie's not a tattle-tale, she's not a threat to your job." I told him as I washed my hands.

"What game are you playing? Are you hoping the judge will go easier on you if you get reference statements from the sheriff and his daughter both attesting to your good character?"

I said nothing, I mean it couldn't hurt. Teddy smiled.

"Smart kid." He commented. "I'll meet you back at the bus in three hours. Don't go anywhere else."

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