Chapter 103

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Regency Eiffel might be the fanciest place that I have ever stayed in, fact. We had done a vigorous dance session with Krystal and my whole body ached. Even now, I still wasn't used to this dancing thing and her new routine was faster and more challenging than our old one. My joints fucking hurt and I went down on my ankle funny.

I stood in the corridor, tipping ice into my bucket from the big ice bins on the tenth floor. A good dose of elevation and ice should ease my ankle enough for our shitty walk around the city tomorrow.

"Lisa Manoban." My vision trailed to the lanky boy in front of me. He was tall and thin, like a pencil. Black hair flopped in wispy waves on his head and he wore a begrudging smile although the hostility was evident in his voice. I automatically knew what was coming.

"Kai." I commented, while continuing to load up my bucket.

"So, I'm going to need to have a word with you."

I rolled my eyes, facing away from him so he didn't see it.

"I'm really trying to pursue Jen, you're not gonna be in the way of that. Are you?"

I sighed. I would fucking love to but I can't be one of those people. The person who can't have the girl but doesn't want anyone else to have her either. If she wants to spend Christmas with this shit head, then she can do whatever she wants to.

"I would not get in the way of Jennie's business." I told him, in a bored and mono tone.

"Jennie, right. Right."

I glanced over my shoulder at him. I didn't like him calling her that. That was my name for her.

"Good." He smiled smugly. "Okay." He nodded. "Thanks."

I scoffed and fully turned away from the ice freezer to look at him. I arched a single brow.

"You're thanking me?" I asked. "It's a little degrading on yourself to thank me, don't you think?"

His brow furrowed.

"Like, I have to not show interest in Jennie just to pave the way for you?"

"Nah man, she wouldn't go for you anyway. I was just being respectful to you because I don't want no trouble."

"She wouldn't go for me?" I asked, and he laughed uncomfortably.

"C'mon man, Jen is a good girl. You're not exactly her type. She'd never go for someone like you."

I could feel my palms twitching to break his fucking nose but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of doing it right beside the ice freezer. I'd want him to suffer and swell without any aid.

"She'll always come back to me, everyone's got a sweet spot for their first, right?"

I didn't say anything, I just took a breath hoping that it would calm my raging anger. This fucking dick knew nothing about me. He didn't know how good or bad I was for Jennie and he sure as hell shouldn't be commenting on it.

"Here man." He held out a small baggie filled with white powder and my eyes snapped down to it, instantly pulling my whole addictive nature in. "Take it, I won't say anything. It will be our little secret. A thank you gift for you, being so cool about me and Jen."

Don't do it, Lisa.

It's a trick.

Don't do it.

He's doing it on purpose.

Walk away.

Fucking walk away.

I closed my eyes, breathing in and out. Counting in my head. Imagining her smile. Praying to all the gods. Willing it away. I wasn't strong enough to say no. I fucking hated him for giving me this opportunity. I was doing fine today, I didn't even think about the drugs. Now they were right here in front of me and they were all I could think about.

Don't do it.

Don't do it.


With a shaking hand, I reached out and grabbed the bag off him. He smiled, with a sly, and slimy smirk that told me he had won. I walked away, hobbling down the hallway, feeling like shit. Guilt, shame, and remorse were amongst many other negative feelings.

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