Chapter 70

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But I wasn't good. She was currently wearing leggings, meaning she was also currently wearing a thong and that image was all I could think about. Jennie, on my bed in a thong. She stood up and opened my wardrobe doors, gently stroking her fingers over my hanging clothes. My eyes fell down to her ass, she was right, there were no visible panty lines.

"Are you going to France?" She asked.


"Right, stupid question." She spun around to face me. "Were you just looking at my ass?"


"No." I lied.

She turned back to the wardrobe and pulled open one of the drawers beneath it. She gasped at the hundreds of cassette tapes and thumb drives, all labelled and dated. She picked a few up, looking at the names on each one and then put them back in the drawer. Then she opened the second one, it was filled with the same thing. Slowly, she turned to look at me and I clutched my hand around the back of my neck.

"So, you have some anxiety." She commented. She looked at the tape recorder and I got a nervous feeling inside. She walked over to it and hovered her finger over the stop button. "And if I do this?"

"Don't, Jennie." I warned, her audacious nature is making me sweat.

"But what if I do?" Her beautiful brown eyes sharpened on me, challenging me.

"Then I'd... be really upset with you."

A smile grew over her lips. And she touched the stop button but didn't press it in.

"I meant it Jennie, don't."

"I won't." She removed her hand away. "But one day I will."

I visually relaxed. "We don't need this but I'm not going to take away something that helps you feel more comfortable."

"Thank you." I looked at the time on my phone and then back up at her. I needed to shower and jack off before I went to meet Kelly, if I tug one out before the dates, I last longer and I'm also less likely to cum, so it's a win all around.

"You kind of got to go." I told her awkwardly, I would've given my left arm to hang out with Jennie, doing nothing all night. We could be watching paint dry but as long as it's with Jennie, that's where I'd rather be.

"I'm good to hang out for a bit if you want?"

She wants to hang out? Jennie wants to hang out! Fuck. Should I cancel the date? Shit, I can't do that. I need the money.

"I can't, I'm um... going out."

Her face changed, she looked almost scornful but she blinked a few times and gave me a begrudging smile.

"Is she a regular? Do you get regulars?"

"Jennie, I can't talk about my work with you."


"Mostly, because I don't want you to know but also because these girls deserve their privacy."

"Is there anything you won't do?"

"There're lots that I won't do."

"Like what?"

"Like tell you about my work."

She laughed and I smiled.

"Well played Lili, well played."


"That's what the people closest to you call you, right? Are we not friends, Lisa?"

My smile fell, evaporating into the dusty air particles. I don't want to be her friend but that's where she just categorised me. The friend zone. Everyone knows once you're put into the friend zone, it's impossible to get out of it. I'm not letting her ruin my dream, it's the only thing that I get to cling onto, in my shitty life.

"No, we're not friends. This is a simple business transaction, my name is Lisa." I replied coolly. "I've got to go shower, you can see yourself out... yeah?"

She looked momentarily confused, and hurt too.

"Yeah." She answered my question briskly.

"Okay, bye."


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