Chapter 39

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Free period had me nose deep in an algebra textbook, I just didn't get it and it was driving me crazy. [latex]a2- b2 = (a - b) (a + b)[/latex] (a + b)2= a2 + 2ab + b. a2+ b2 = (a - b)2 + 2ab. "What is this nonsense?" I whispered to myself.

A bang on the table in front of me had my eyes peering up over my book. Rosé had placed a small black phone down and sat looking at me, expecting me to understand.

"What is that?" I asked slowly.

"It's Lisa's phone." She smirked at me in that special way she does, when she's up to no good. I slammed the book closed and sat myself fully erect in the chair. "She fell asleep in computer lab and I swiped it from her bag."

"Oh my goodness Rosé, this is really crossing a line. I want no part in this." She rolled her eyes at me and picked it up. She pressed the home button and the screen lit up, reflecting on her face. She showed me that the screensaver was of a tree. One of those preloaded images, nothing personal. The glass was also smashed but still viewable.

A small jingling beep illuminated the air when the phone unlocked. I glanced around the library, checking that Lisa wasn't around. Checking to make sure that people weren't watching us.

"Let's see, photos." Her little pink tongue stuck out with her concentration but her look of evil mastermind was quickly followed by disappointment. "No images available." She showed me the screen again and I must admit, I was disappointed too.

"Huh, It's a pay as you go phone and it has no credit. I didn't know people still had these." She commented.

"Messages." I watched her face scroll through her messages and I tapped nervously on my knee.

"This is an invasion of privacy, Rosé. You shouldn't." I told her, making her look up at me from Lisa's phone. She started reading out her text messages, so much for me not wanting any part of this.

Table is booked for seven.

I'll be there, as discussed.

That was great, exactly what I needed. Thank you.

Table is booked for nine.

This is my first time, I'm a little nervous.

Don't be nervous, we'll talk through everything and make sure you're comfortable. If you're not we can terminate the transaction.

Okay, see you at nine.

Ma'am, I'm not seeing the payment go through?

How about now?

No, ma'am.

I'm a regular, can't you cut me some slack?

Sorry ma'am, I accept payment before transaction or we terminate the deal.

How about now?

Sure did get the payment, thanks. Table is booked for six thirty.

"They're all cryptic and very business-like, none of them have names by them and their numbers are dashed out, she has none of them saved as a contact and none of them actually state what she's selling. Though I can take a wild guess and say drugs."

"That's really... professional sounding. She's in deep with the drugs then, right?" Rosé nodded. "How about internet history?" Damn I hate myself but I've committed now, I can't stop.

"A bunch of porn sites, clearly likes the brunettes. Nothing weird though besides the porn stuff but it's all like that so it could mean nothing." I grimaced at the thought. "Aww... Jen."

"What?" I didn't like the gushy tone she was using.

"She googled... how to charm the sheriff..." I couldn't hold back a smile. "And how to talk to the girl you like."

"But still, that could mean nothing. She's always getting arrested and the girl she likes is someone older." Rosé hardened her stare on me.

"Okay, notes!" She screamed.


"Shhh!" The librarian scolded.

"What is it?" She kept dancing in her seat, all excited about something. "What?" She did another silent scream.

"Oh my God, what?! Will you just tell me?"

"It's a letter, a letter to you." My mouth dropped open. "Or it's a practice speech. Or something." I bit down on my finger.

"Okay, tell me."

"Jennie... wow, she started on your full name, I approve."

"Wait. Don't tell me. We shouldn't." She stayed silent. "Okay, tell me."

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