Chapter 121

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I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss, it was slow and melancholy - unlike any of our other kisses. We poured emotion into one another, our sadness, our regret and our grief. It was a goodbye kiss.

A long, slow, and sensual goodbye kiss.

And it had remained glued to my mind the whole day and during the whole flight home. My heart felt broken and I couldn't even cry and be upset about it because I knew what I was setting myself up for, the second I suggested that we be together for just the week.

Before we got on the plane, we hugged for a long time. We hugged until Principal Yang forced us apart. Neither one of us wanted to leave, neither one of us wanted this to end but there were just too many obstacles standing in our way. It wasn't fair on her or me to let this continue so she took her seat at the back with the air marshal and I sat up in front with Rosé. We had an unspoken agreement that when we got off the plane, we would only be friends, and nothing more.

"Jen, you coming?" Rosé snapped me out of my daze. Everyone had vacated the aircraft and I was stood there staring at the door, not wanting to go through it. She took hold of my hand and dragged me along beside her. "Jesus Jen, it's not like you'll never see her again. She's not actually going anywhere, you can always call her up and transfer her some money when you're feeling a little lonely." She winked at me.

"Thank you for being so sympathetic Rosé." I muttered sarcastically.

Lisa was standing with her probation officer at the baggage claim area and her eyes found mine instantly. I gave her a sad little wave and she nodded her head in my direction. It took us about half an hour to gather up our bags and then haul them out of immigration.

"So we're resuming dance practice every other day until the recital?" She asked, while creeping up from behind me.

"Yeah." I answered. "Until the recital." I repeated, subconsciously wondering what will happen after that. That's when the deal runs out, I stop paying her, she stops dancing, and we stop hanging out.

"Right." She said. "Until the recital."


My eyes scanned the cluster of familiar faces, the parents of the kids from our school but mine settled on two deep brown eyes in particular. She stood out like a sore thumb, waving enthusiastically in my direction.

"What is she doing here?" I asked myself aloud. Lisa glanced my way, momentarily confused but I had already begun making strong strides towards her.

"Hi baby."

I felt anger thunder through my veins. "What are you doing here!?" I demanded.

"Jennie, aren't you going to introduce me to your lover?" She looked at Lisa and smiled sadistically. Lisa tensed, while feeling really awkward.


"No?" She questioned, with the Korean accent rolling off her tongue.

"Where's my dad? We're leaving. C'mon Lisa." I grabbed her arm and attempted to pull her away from my manipulative mother.

"Jennie, wait..."

"I go by Jen now. That name is not yours to use."

"But my princess, it's so beautiful." She tried to reach out, to smooth out my hair or something. I didn't actually know what her intention was because I knocked her hand away and took a step back, she frowned. "Mark and I are no more, your father - Frank, he's been helping me out with money. It's the least he can do, since I gave him such a wonderful gift."

"Unbelievable." I scoffed.

"I just wanted enough to start up my small business." She smiled sweetly at me. "I'm calling my store 'Jennie' after my gorgeous little girl. It will sell jewellery boxes. Handmade and painted by me. They're gorgeous but Frank is refusing to give me another dime."

"So leave us the fuck alone and make your own money!" I spat out.


"Jen." I gritted out.

"Jen, you need to talk to him. Make him see sense. I still have parental rights you know?"

I stepped forward, dead set on wrapping my hands around her neck and strangling the breath right out of her but Lisa pulled me back and outstretched her arm towards my mother.

"Lisa." She introduced herself.

"Diane." She smiled in a condescending way.

"We're gonna walk away now, I'd strongly suggest that you don't follow."

My mom curled her lip up at her.

"Jen?" Rosé's voice interrupted, while her eyes floated from me to my mom. "You good?" She asked.

"Rosé? Oh! How you've grown. You were just a small little girl when I last saw you." My mom gasped, her eyes sparkling with happiness.

"Yeah, that's what happens when you abandon your kid and fuck off for years without visiting, writing or calling. Nice move, Diane."

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