Chapter 82

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"Not someone, it's Bryan." I answered in dismay. "Stay in here okay? Don't leave this room."

"Should I call my dad?" There was a glimpse of worry in her eyes. I hated that she felt frightened, I would never let Bryan hurt her.

"No, no cops. Don't be frightened, I won't let him anywhere near you." She looked doubtful. "Jennie, I promise. You're safe."

I grabbed the wooden baseball bat from behind my closet and snuck out of my bedroom, trying to keep my footsteps as minimal as possible. Bryan swayed all over the living room, beer bottle in his hand and swearing to himself.

"Why are you back!?"

"Because I fucking live here!?" He spat out venomously, his dark eyes beady and potent even more so with the lights off. "Is that whore dead yet?"

"I swear to god Bryan, I'll bash your fucking brains out if keep talking about my mom like that."

"Dad. The word is dad." His charcoal teeth whistled with his words and my hand gripped around the bat tighter. "You pay Seungri?"

"I paid a lot of people, no thanks to you."

He laughed into his beer bottle, taking a sip. "Good just got more shit off one of his guys. Told them to come to you or that whore for the dough. Gonna be a couple of thousands."

"You're a fucking disgrace, my mom is dying in there and you don't give a shit, you never..."

"Hey, who's that!?"

I looked behind me at the speed of light, Jennie was hiding in the shadows and my gut plummeted.

"Who the fuck is that Lisa!? Who the fuck is that!" Bryan shouted at the top of his lungs. "The pig's daughter? You bring the pig's daughter into my house." He threw his beer bottle at her, it landed right above her head and smashed over her. She lifted her hands to shield her face. I stood between Bryan and Jennie, restraining him. "Go to my bedroom." I demanded, Jennie ran back into my bedroom and closed the door.

"You're fucking the pig's daughter? You're no child of mine. You are a fucking disgrace! You are a fucking disgrace!"

I punched him in the face and he grabbed a shard of glass, slicing it through my cheek. We wrecked the trailer, breaking everything in sight with the way we threw one another around roughly. It wasn't the first time, won't be the last either. "I thought you were fucked up, but this is even worse than I've ever imagined."

He took himself to the sofa and strapped a rubber band tightly to his arm. After hitting a vein a few times he stuck a needle into his arm and injected heroine into his bloodstream. He fell back into a drug induced coma.

"Piece of shit!" I shouted over him but he was so out of it. He had obviously taken a lot before that shot of heroin and he was drunk out of his mind. I grabbed a tea-towel and soaked it in cold water, pressing it soothingly against my cheek before I returned to Jennie. She was pressed against the door, listening. "Hey, it's me." She opened the door and threw her arms around me unexpectedly. I stiffened in her arms, not moving a muscle.

"I'm sorry." She said sheepishly, while stepping back to give me room to breathe.

"It's okay." I answered, though it wasn't really okay. The hug made me feel uncomfortable and now I wanted to press record on the tape recorder. "He's out cold on the sofa. He won't wake up again tonight but I can walk you home if you don't feel comfortable staying."

She nodded her head, so I grabbed her and me a jacket before walking her home.

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