Chapter 32

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"Why are you even coming to this party?"

"Someone's got to watch out for your ass."

Sam's house was located in the fancier part of town, the streets that have pleasant residents and waste-of-time gardens. The ones that look down their noses at the trailer park and the trash who live there.

We didn't even bother going into the house, we headed straight for the garden because that's where the real shit was at. I know for certain inside the house is a bunch of drunk college students passing around different drugs or slipping date rape drugs into any cup they can get their hands onto. After last time, I needed to stay as far away from that shit as much as possible.

"Lisa, dude!" Sam slung his arms around me, I could smell the weed on him so strong that I could've got a second-hand high. He completely ignored Bambam's existence, many times in the past he has tried to convince Bambam to take drugs but he's always refused anything stronger than nicotine and alcohol. Sam knows Bambam is of no interest to him.

He took us into the garden shed, darkness fell over the room like the thick velvet curtains of a theatre, except the show of life was not worth the applause. Smoke hovered in a thick fog in front of our faces, a couple of guys snorted lines on a low down coffee table, others smoked weed from bongs. The stench was earthy and familiar. Some may say it's a bad smell but to me it wasn't entirely unpleasant.

Sam tossed a basket under our nose and I dropped in two aspirins, a party favour from Bambam and I. "Take a mystery drug in return." Sam encouraged, shaking the basket so all pills jumped about. I dug my hand into the bowl and felt around the different shapes and textures, of course most of them were over the counter pain killers. Nothing extraordinary because who in their right mind wants to give away their stash? I grabbed a blue pill and swallowed it whole.

"Good kiddo." Sam patronised. "Meet Jessica, she's here to make all of your dreams come true." Sam's brows raised seductively and then he left the shed to go find his next victim. Jessica grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the sofa. I looked back at Bambam, signalling him silently to watch me, or rather watch her. If shit went wrong, he needed to be my witness. Luckily, he understood and followed us.

"You guys want to try something new?"

Bambam and I shared a look, if this girl showed us something new we would throw a dollar at it. She held a tiny white round pill in the centre of her index finger. "This will blow your fucking world." She put it into her mouth and swallowed.

"What is it?" I asked, intrigued.

"A love drug." She explained, without actually explaining anything.

"No, we don't want to try that." Bambam spoke for us both.

"I might." I told Jessica. She smiled big and then fished out another white pill. Her grey eyes sparkled as she placed it on the tip of her tongue.

"You've got to kiss me to take it."

Bambam sighed exasperatedly and I glanced down at her ruby-red lips. "Might want to hurry, it's dissolving." She was gorgeous, all collarbones and lace bodysuit, but this is not how I wanted to experience my first kiss.

"I'll pass."

She swallowed it down, seemingly a little offended. Bambam started laughing and slapped my back.

"Don't tell me you're still pulling that pretty woman bullshit." He whispered into my ear.

"Quiet." I shut him down.

"There's a bag of coke over there, it's strong." Jessica said before she got up and walked away. Suddenly my lower body started tingling, like I had pins and needles in my dick. It was getting erect but I wasn't even turned on.

"I think I took Viagra." I told Bambam.

"What!?" His face contorted.

"The bowl." I pointed my chin towards the mystery pill bowl. "I think I took Viagra." My best friend curled over laughing, showing no sympathy what-so-ever to my very large and very obvious boner. "Fuck this, that coke has my name on it."

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