Chapter 124

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The small town event for our law enforcement district was surprisingly fancy and well put together. Twinkling lights spotted a dark ceiling, giving a starry-night effect. A stage was up front with a big silver curtain hanging behind it and the bar was open, but they were not selling to minors and I clearly wasn't going to risk sneaking a drink in with all of these cops watching me.

I recognised most of them, I had been arrested by half of them and they recognised me. Not a single one of them approached me or greeted me. They looked down their noses and whispered about me, just as expected.

Jennie didn't leave my side, she took hold of my hand and gripped it tightly. Giving me the support that I would never admit I needed. I loved that. I was in a room filled with hundreds of people, all doubting me and thinking the worst of me but she wasn't ashamed of me. She stood proudly at my side.

"Let's dance." She suggested, attempting to pull me up on the dance floor. I held back.

"I don't dance." I informed her and she tilted her head at me giving me a dumb expression. "Okay, I don't dance with you in a room filled with your dad and his cop friends."

"You're gonna dance with me and you're gonna hold my butt as we sway to the music."

I laughed. "No fucking chance."

She tsked with her tongue and folded her arms across her chest stubbornly.

"I'm gonna go check out the buffet."

She curled her lip up and then nodded.

There was a wide variety of food but nothing amazing. I picked up a couple of small triangular sandwiches and ate them without getting a plate. It was ham and lettuce, not tasting entirely fresh. I grabbed a couple of cocktail sausages on sticks and started eating them off the sharing platter. They were kind of herb-tasting but good, better than the sandwiches.

My eyes wandered across the room, locking sights on Jennie and one of her dad's deputies. I shoved another mini sausage into my mouth, tapping my foot to the upbeat music playing from the sound system. I watched as the deputy leaned in close and whispered something into Jennie's ear. My brows furrowed and I ate another sausage. He swiped her hair over her shoulder and traced his index finger up the length of her neck. I stopped chewing the meat, with my stomach instantly doing flips.

She wiped her hand across her cheek like she was wiping away tears and I could see how stiffly she was holding herself, too frightened to even move a muscle.

The cop leaned in again, bringing his face close to her neck. Smelling her. Breathing on her. Whispering.

Now I get it. Jennie didn't need me here to impress or sweet talk her dad. She needed me here because she couldn't face being here alone. With the person who traumatised her.

I threw the sticks down on the sharing plate and stomped my way across the dance floor, my anger too much to contain. I couldn't see anything, only him and her.

"Lisa!" She shrieked, totally alarmed. I ignored her and just grabbed him by the collar of his shitty shirt. It happened way too fast for him to react, for anyone to react, except me. I just reacted. I reacted by throwing my fist right into his face and then I did it again and again and again. Until his face oozed of blood. The sheriff eventually pulled me off him, guns were drawn and I was slammed down by Jennie's dad with my cheek slapped against the dusty dance floor.

"Dad! Stop!" Jennie shouted, sobbing her heart out. "Stop! Please stop! Let her go!" I tried to fight his hold but he was trained and I was an amateur. I was fully restrained. Besides, if I managed to get free he had a whole room full of backup, it was pointless.

They switched the music off and forcefully attached a set of handcuffs to my wrists, pulling me to stand up and reading my rights. Someone was working on deputy douchebag's face and I looked at Jennie, blowing a strand of hair out of my face.

"It was him, wasn't it!? Jennie! Was it him!?"

She cried, with her tears falling like they would never stop.

"Was it him!?" I demanded an answer from Jennie.

"What was him? What are you taking about?" Her dad asked, looking at Jennie for an answer.

I clenched my jaw, wanting to hit that asshole again. I wanted to fucking kill him.

"I just assaulted a cop, please tell me Jennie, I need to know if it was worth it. Was it him!?"

She nodded and looked down at the floor.

"Jen, what is Lisa talking about!?" Her dad's voice levels raised, realising that there was something really sinister going on here. Something more than what meets the eye.

"Deputy Kwon." Jennie spoke, in a small and quiet voice. "He raped me."

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