Chapter 26

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Her hands were shaking and when she noticed me looking at them, she folded them across her chest, tucking them behind her arms. She averted her gaze towards the floor and things felt really awkward between us. It wasn't just her hands that were trembling, her whole body was shaking. I touched her arm in a comforting way.

"Are you okay? You're trembling."

She flew backwards away from me, the door slammed closed and she maintained a wide space between us.

"Yeah." She slammed her hand over her chest, in an effort to steady her racing heart I think. Her cheeks filled with a scarlet colour now, it was definitely a sweet blotchy blush.

"It's nothing Jennie, it's just... withdrawal. I've been clean for two days. Look, you really need to go." She opened the door for me again and held it open but I hesitated. She seemed weird, and off. I didn't want to leave her on the roof when something didn't feel right.

"Honestly Jennie, please leave, you make me feel uncomfortable."

That was a shock to the system like holding a toaster in the bathtub.

"I do?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah you do. You stand too close, you touch me and you allow yourself to be alone with me."

"Oh." Was all I could muster up to reply.

I was so confused and needed to gain greater picture, to stand back and see this from a wider angled perspective. I needed to see things from Lisa's narrative, because to me, I hadn't been any different with her than I had been with anyone else. Okay, maybe trying to pull up her jeans to see her ankle monitor was a step too far but still, I wouldn't say I was too much or too little, just the right amount.

Yet, clearly she thought differently. I made her uncomfortable, just like Taehyung made me uncomfortable. But, there. She communicated her concerns honestly, just like I did to Taehyung. Unlike Taehyung though, I see that it's my responsibility to rein it back in, leave her alone and stop putting her in positions that she doesn't like.

I took a deep breath, realising that we were both stood in utter awkward silence while my brain caught up and processed some of the fog. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you felt that way." I admitted honestly.

"Well... I do, so please leave me alone." She tilted her head towards the door yet again and this time I took the hint and left her alone.

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