Chapter 54

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I tapped my plastic spoon down on the edge of my tray, playing out a harmonious rhythm while I waited for the reply. I really hoped this person wasn't wasting my time, my bank account was fucking dry after paying off only a quarter of my mother's hospital bill.

The reply was taking a long time to come.

She'll be into something weird no doubt, they always are when they want to meet elsewhere. Probably another gym head or artist type. It wouldn't be the first time someone has asked me to get naked so they can make me pose in weird positions and erotically paint me. But they can fuck off if they think that I'm jumping into anything without meeting them first, for all I know it might be a fifty year old undercover cop. At least it is safe at Del Vino's, I trust the establishment knows what to look out for.

God, why isn't she replying!

> Okay.

That took a fucking long time considering it was just one word. Was she discussing it with someone? Is she a cop? Shit.

> I'm happy to continue. We'll have dinner at Del Vino's and discuss things further.

< Great! That will be $500, ma'am, transferable whenever you're ready. As soon as the transaction is complete, I'll book the table. All transactions are fully protected by the app so in the unlikely event that I fail to turn up without informing you up to 72 hours before, you can apply for a cash-back. Otherwise there are no money back guarantees.

> Okay.

< Before you make a payment, have you read my terms and conditions?

> Uh yeah.

Roughly translated to no. Idiot.

< Great! So you know I do not do weekends away, sleepovers or vacations of any sort. All sexual encounters must be protected with contraception provided by myself. I will use condoms and dental dams. If you have an allergy to latex or prefer a certain brand, then you must inform me in advance. The use of condoms is non-negotiable even if the client claims to be on birth control. I do not accept any form of sexual gratification on myself, except intercourse. I do not kiss, this includes but is not limited to mouth kissing and neck kissing. We exchange first names only. You must agree to have our whole encounter audibly recorded, including all sexual encounters.

> Yeah, I said I read it.

Ok, snappy lady! No you didn't, but whatever.

> Payment received $500 - ###036*

Not a time waster then, well okay.

< Payment received Ma'am, thank you. I'll make all the necessary arrangements and book the table for eight o'clock tonight, if you're not there by eight fifteen, I will leave. Mention my name at the desk for the table number.

I did an automatic transfer to the hospital with the money paid to me. I needed to lower the outstanding balance before Bryan's dealers bled me dry. My mom's health was more important here but unfortunately $500 didn't even dent it.

For the first time in a few days, I felt an ounce of good. I had no drugs in my system and I had a date with a girl who didn't want sex, yet. It bought me at least another day.

I'm going to be eight days clean, who would've thought it?

My eyes pulled up at Jennie and Rosé, they were both laughing and giddy about something. My brows furrowed at her outfit, she was wearing my hoodie, the one that I left on the roof. What the fuck? Was she wearing that when we were on the roof earlier? How did I not notice?

I stood up and tipped the contents of my tray into the trashcan and shoved it back onto the rack. As I walked past Jennie's table, our eyes met and I gave her a head nod greeting.

"Nice jacket." I said smoothly before walking out and heading to my rooftop.

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