Chapter 128

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"Where is she?" Krystal demanded, her fiery red hair large and back combed to give her the full zombie effect. "We go on in five minutes Jen and she's not here! How is she going to be ready in time? I told you we couldn't trust her, this all your fault!"

"She'll be here." I repeated for the thousand time. "She has to be." I kept my eyes trained on the door, standing on my tip toes to get a better view. "She promised that she would be here." I whispered to myself.

I could feel the worrying glances that Rosé was shooting me from across the make-up room. Even she doubted that Lisa would be here. Where the fuck was she?

"She's not gonna show Jen, our whole routine is fucked without her." Lucas added fuel to Krystal's fire.

"It's fucked Lucas. If she doesn't show, Jennie doesn't go on stage. I told you from the start Jen - she was your responsibility."

"She'll show." I told them, doubting my own words but playing off like I was strong and confident. I've been doing that a lot this week.

"Hey." Rosé rubbed my shoulder. "Her mom is sick, and her mom is coming tonight and it's gonna take a lot to get her here. Like an ambulance and oxygen and a medic on hand. I bet that's why she's delayed, she's making sure that her mom is safe and well cared for in the audience. She's probably out there right now."

I gave her a thankful smile. I knew that she was lying just to try and cushion the blow but still, I was thankful.

"I can't see her." Momo commented, while peeking out of the curtain.

"That's not helping!" Rosé snapped.

"Two minutes." Krystal arched a brow at me and I sighed.

"I'm gonna go wait outside for her." I pointed towards the stage exit and grabbed my coat before leaving them all backstage, still discussing about how unreliable Lisa was.

"C'mon Lisa, where are you?" I paced up and down the back alley, nervously playing with my finger nails.

"C'mon! Did something happen? Did you relapse? Where are you?"

I could hear them announcing our names on stage and my heart sank, my time was up and Lisa was a no-show. All those hours rehearsing, all those times I defended her right to be there, all that money that I had invested for this moment. It was all for nothing.

I turned around and headed back inside, red-faced and pathetic, ready to tell all of them what a stupid mistake I've made but I heard her voice.

"Jennie, hey I'm sorry. I'm here." My head whipped around fast and she was dressed in her costume but her makeup wasn't on, yet she still looked exhausted and puffy and emotionally drained.

"What's up?" I asked. "Where were you?"

"I got held up." She kept her tone straight and causal but I couldn't help but feel like she was hiding something.

"Is your mom out there?" I asked, trying to see if that was the reason why she was late.

"Nah, she's not going to make it." Her voice quivered and I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Oh. Is she okay?"

"Yeah Jennie..." she smiled "... she's better than she's ever been. She's not in any pain right now, she's just sleeping."

"Oh that's good." I furrowed my brows, feeling confused. She almost stood me up, nearly cost me my whole future and she's not even gonna explain to me the reason?

"Yeah. They're starting our song, let's get out there." She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the stage. I dragged my feet behind her but eventually willingly complied. Our dancers had already began the performance without us but we quickly joined in and caught up with the steps.

It was magical; everything fell together like a beautiful synchronised pattern. Every toe pointed, every step immaculate. The rhythm, the beat, the music, and the special effects. It couldn't have been more perfect if we tried. Even Krystal smiled.

We ended on the big finish, the lift and I was nervous because the last time we ran through the lifts, Lisa dropped me on the crash mat. But here, now she held me for a prolonged amount of time. I wasn't shaking, I was still and artful. It's like her mind wasn't on the dancing, it was distracted and that's when Lisa dances best.

When the applause came to a complete stop, Lisa lowered me down. I couldn't stop smiling, my cheeks hurt from my smile and I'm pretty sure that everyone in the room could spot my glow.

I looked over at Lisa, wanting to share this happy moment with her. To see the look of pure empowerment on her face as well feel it on my own but she wasn't even smiling, not even a little.

"We did it!" I tried to push some of my enthusiasm onto her.

"Yeah." She said quietly.

My smile faded, dimming little by little. "Lisa, are you okay?"

She turned to face me, with her eyes bloodshot and watery. She took a deep breath. "Jennie, my mom passed on today."

And in that moment, time stood still and everyone disappeared. The happiness and applause fell silent all around me and my ears buzzed with this feeling of dread.

"I've got to go, but congratulations." She offered me a small smile and then ran off the stage, disappearing into the crowd of people.

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