Chapter 34

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"English literature." A guy said to me at the breakfast bar.

"Excuse me?"

"That's your major, right? You look like an English literature girl." I laughed and shook my head.

"I'm actually in high school but when I graduate, I plan to major in dance." He winced and my eyebrows raised.

"High school, yikes. That's a little young for me, shame though... you're hot." I giggled off his advances and grabbed my drink once he walked away.

"Baby girl!" Bambam plonked himself down in the seat next to me. "You don't want to drink that, it's been drugged." I looked at my cup, there was a small pill fizzing away in the bottom. "That guy that you were talking to, posed as a distraction. The one next to you slipped this into your drink." He shoved his finger into my beer and pulled out a half dissolved pill. It was basically white froth on his finger.

He leaned back and dipped his hand into a girl's purse, pulling out a couple of dollar notes, then he shoved them into his own pocket.

"What are you doing at a place like this?" He asked, while completely ignoring the casual theft.

"I was invited." I went to drink the beer cup again but put it down before it touched my lips. He grabbed the cup and tossed it down the sink.

"Baby girl, you don't want to be at parties like these."

"Baby girl?" Rosé came over from the dance floor and chuckled at his nickname for me.

"Yeah, Jen and I go way back."

"We met a few weeks ago and we've spoken once." I clarified. Rosé wiped sweat from her forehead.

"Someone just tried to drug me."

Rosé gasped. "Jesus Jen! Are you okay? God, I'm so done with this party, it's sketchy as fuck. Let's go home."

"I will walk you home, it's safer." Bambam butted in.

"Can we trust him?" Rosé whispered, not at all quietly. I shrugged because I honestly had no clue.

"There's an unwanted item in the bagging area, I've got to grab it and then we can leave." He scooted off towards the living room and I stood up.

"Shall we make a quick break for it now?" I laughed and shook my head at her. Bambam was alright or at least I think he was alright. We met him outside, he came stumbling out with Lisa on his arm. As we walked down the road Bambam sung, not very well. He sung all kinds of songs and Rosé joined in. I felt too nervous to sing and Lisa was all drugged out.

We dropped Rosé off first, after much protest about not wanting to leave me alone with Bambam and Lisa, I finally persuaded her to sneak back into her house and go to bed. Bambam complained about the weight of Lisa and stopped for a lot of breaks along the way.

"The sheriff's house... wow..." Bambam gushed up at the house like it was a precious momentum.

"You're not going to rob it or destroy it, are you?"

Bambam smiled at me. "Can't make any promises baby girl, but I'll leave your room out of it." I opened my mouth to speak but he interrupted me. "Anyway, here's where the two of you get off." He pushed Lisa forward and she swayed on the roadside using her arms stretched wide to even out her balance.

"What are you on about? She can't stay with me. My dad's home and I... she feels uncomfortable around me. She won't like this."

"Baby girl, you've got to trust in the universe." Bambam said, full of wisdom.

"What does that even mean!?" I growled.

"It means, she's too heavy to carry home so she's gonna either have to sleep on your doorstep or in your house. You decide."

I looked at Lisa, stuck in this incoherent state and then back at my house. The lights were off, my dad was already in bed.

"Fine!" I grit out, Bambam laughed.

"Night Jen, night Lisa. You two be good now." He practically ran down the road, not giving me a chance to change my mind.

I tugged Lisa's heavy body inside and threw her down on the couch. My dad's gonna have a field day with this one.

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