Chapter 108

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Once we met up with her friends, she practically ditched me. Granted, I was kind of forced to walk beside her all day but she didn't really speak to me or involve me. She ran away every chance she could get. She took a lot of bathroom breaks.

I watched her talk to Kai. Fucking Kai and his shitty aspirin. She was okay with him, showing no fear at all. I don't think he was responsible for her trauma, he's just a dick and asshole, all lumped together.

As I glided my finger through the window condensation, drawing more shitty unhappy faces, I thought about how different things were now. I needed to be less to make her feel better. I swiped my jacket over the window and pushed my nose against the cold glass, looking out at city streets and French locals.

"Lisa?" My head snapped away from the window and I turned towards the voice. Everyone was looking at me. "I said we're going out tonight, are you coming?" At Rosé's words, my eyes fleeted to Jennie, she shyly dropped her gaze looking down at her hands.

"No." My answer was instant. I didn't need to think about it but part of me was saddened that Jennie released a sigh of relief.


Jennie side glanced at me, waiting to hear my answer but the whole time she kept her head lowered.

"I'm on tag, I can't leave the hotel or the group. I have to be within fifty feet of my probation officer at all times and if I go out drinking, it will make me want the drugs." I glowered at Kai, his lips twitched but he didn't react. "I'm not going."

The bus went over a speed bump and I fell into Jennie, steadying myself by placing my hand on her thigh. Immediately, I snapped back upright and kept my hands to myself.

"Shit. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to touch you. I'm so sorry Jennie. Are you okay?" She closed her eyes for a second and then nodded sadly. Rosé, her best friend laughed and Kai muttered 'what the fuck?' under his breath. Jennie pulled on her coat, while wrapping it around herself.

We spent the day in more shitty museums and a burial site. Today was about history, not shitty art. I didn't find any of it interesting and I dipped away to call my mom mid-day. Ms Nam says she is doing okay, she sounded like she was doing okay and yet I was still worried. Her stats could dip in a split second and I was halfway across the world for a girl who was currently giving me the cold shoulder.

I looked up from my phone at Jennie. She was getting a piggy-back from Kai and he was spinning her really fucking fast. They both laughed until the teacher told them to 'knock it off'.

"Get back on the bus!" Principal Yang ordered.

It was a quiet journey back to the hotel, at least for me. I just waited for the windows to fog back up so I could draw more pictures.

Jennie avoided me back in the room too. She showered and hid out in the bathroom for hours. I scrolled through the app, maybe I should hook up with someone, earn some money while I'm here. She's not talking to me. She's going out with her friends and I'm here alone. Maybe I should...

"What the hell?" I asked as she finally left the bathroom and appeared in front of me. She wore some kind of black, and skin tight suit. It showed everything. She had pointed ears on her head, with a tail poking out of her costume, a face drawn onto her own, cat-eye contacts and some fury mitten paws.

"I'm a cat. Duh!" She stated the obvious. "It's fancy dress. Do I look hot?" She checked herself out in the mirror.

I wanted to say yes. I could see the shape of her pussy so clearly, just a cute little mound sitting there on display, it made her ass look fantastic and her tits were always perfect. I wanted to tell her how my dick was throbbing just at the sight of her and as soon as she left, I would be tugging one out. But instead I said, "No." Her smile dropped and she looked back at me through the mirror.

"No?" She questioned. "Gee, thanks."

"You're dressed as a cat." I stated, as if that explained my reasoning. But that wasn't my reasoning, not at all. I was holding back because I didn't want to degrade her. I didn't want to violate her body with my eyes. She's been violated before.

As if she could read my mind she sighed and fluffed up her curled hair. "I'm leaving." She stated, sounding moodier now. "Don't wait up, I'm probably not coming back tonight."

So where will she stay?

Who will she stay with?

"Bye." She grabbed her purse and left before I could say anything more.

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