Chapter 105

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Distract her? How?

We were stranded in a hotel room in the middle of Paris. With no food, no alcohol, and no Netflix. She was crumbling, barely able to stand up. Her body had tremors set so deep I didn't think she would ever be still again. On her face she wore a struggle and all of her veins protruded out of her hands because she kept her fist squeezed tightly closed.

Maybe I could tie her to the bed, unethical but a decent approach if I can knot it up tight enough. I glanced around the room, searching for something to use but my mind came up blank. She shot a quick look at the door, ready to run.

Then an idea hit me, she liked my thongs.

"Okay, come. Sit." I took her hand and gently gestured for her to sit down on the bed. I waved my hands at her, encouraging her to shimmy back against the headboard. She complied. I stood in front of her, feeling nervous. My saliva thickened and I could feel my chest doing extra work to breathe. I'm in control, I told myself. I trusted Lisa. This is okay.

Slowly, I started teasing the material of my pyjama camisole higher. It was a champagne-coloured silk number. I had brought the nice pyjamas instead of my dad's old band T-shirt's. The trimmings were black lace and it glided up my skin with ease, thank god.

"What are you doing?" She asked, with her eyes wide like an owl's and full of wonder.

"Distracting you." I told her, with my eyes never leaving hers. She swallowed, her throat bobbed up and down.

"Yeah, it's working." She said slowly, while watching me undress without blinking like she didn't want to miss a single second.

I pulled my camisole over my head and dropped it to the floor, standing in a pastel-peach bra. It had little flowers sewn into the lace and was incredibly delicate and girly, not really a testimony to my character but I had no idea this was going to happen today.

Her eyes gawked at my body, no longer holding eye contact. She was already hard, I could see her dick through her pants. As I hooked my thumb into the waistband of my matching shorts, it pulsated, and moved completely against the material of her joggers. She pressed down on it and grunted, like she was uncomfortable.

I dropped my shorts to floor and stepped out of them, revealing the identical panties. Pastel-peach, with girly flowers.

"You look..." her voice was gruff and she heard that so she paused to clear her throat. But I liked it. It was sexy, and filled with desire. I walked closer to her, while climbing onto the bed with legs split on both sides of her. I crawled towards her slowly.

"The tape recorder." she said in alarm, while looking out across the room at the stupid recorder that sat on the far back table.

"The tape recorder is all the way over there. You can stop me, go get it, if you want. But I might not be here when you get back. Or you can continue whatever this is, without it."


I licked my tongue up her neck and she made a gasping sound, kind of tilting her head to expose more of her neck to me. "Fuck, this isn't fair." She breathed out. I pressed my lips against her skin, peppering soft kisses against her neck. "I'm scared to touch you." She admitted.

"Touch me." I whispered to her ear, gently nipping at her skin. "Feel my body." She hummed a deep appreciative sound deep in her throat and then I felt her hands on my ass, giving my cheeks a squeeze. They travelled upwards, slowly skimming over my waist until she stopped and held them there.

I sat back and pulled her T-shirt over her head, tossing it carelessly across the room. Her skin felt warm against mine and I pressed myself on her further when I leaned down to kiss her.

My lips traced hers, soft and alluring. One of her hands toyed with my hair, the other remaining on my waist. There was nothing graceful about our kiss, we were animals - hungry for one another. All tongues and teeth, biting.

I pressed my body against her erection, letting it grind against my crotch. I liked that. It was simple, with a layer of clothes between us. It felt good just rubbing against there. I could get off on that, so I did it again and again.

She moaned and pulled back from our kiss, gently holding my hair away from my face to look me in the eyes.

"Jennie, I don't have a condom." She admitted.

"I'm on birth control." I threw my lips against her again, I didn't want to think of that. I was just enjoying this.

She pulled back from our kiss again.

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