Chapter 12

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"You've paid for the arrangement to continue beyond the date." She swirled her finger around the top of the wine glass like Sandra Bullock in Miss Congeniality. It was irritating me. "Is that something that you're still interested in?"

"Very much so." She purred seductively, while gently rubbing her fingers over my scabby knuckles. I wanted to rein back my hands but I couldn't insult a paying customer in that way. Polite, respectable, and complimenting dates is what they pay for, so that's what they'll get.

"Tell me what turns you on Jessi." I spoke low, husky and seductive. Making it sound like foreplay instead of instructions.

Her overbite left a tooth mark line through her magenta lipstick and her eyes sparkled with lust. She wiggled her index finger at me, beckoning me closer. My throat tightened with nerves as I obeyed her request. Haunted by the false accusations thrown against me. She whispered in my ear, the sweet smell of wine on her breath tickled my nose but I listened to her words and smirked, playing to the theatrics of this arrangement.

In brief, she wanted it from behind, she requested to be spanked and degraded. The rougher the better.

Together, in earshot of the voice recorder we went over our limitations. We spoke about consent. We talked about safe words and boundaries. I laid down my rules. I don't have many but I do keep to them.

Rule 1: Contraception. For everything. Condoms for intercourse. Dental dams for oral sex. If I can avoid touching them skin-to-skin, I will.

Rule 2: No kissing. At all. It's too intimate.

Rule 3: No staying the night. We go to the room, do the deed then I leave. Mission accomplished.

When Bambam and I first started this, we were young, had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. We just thought naively, someone is going to pay us for sex... what better job is there than that? But it takes a toll on you mentally. Sometimes, you don't want the sex but you need the money. Constantly trying to find the balance between your worth and your wallet. You force it on yourself and each time you do, the damage beelines straight for your mental health. Then you drown out the buzz with a dose of cocaine or a thick inhale of crack. It's a vicious addictive cycle that I'll never be strong enough to break out of.

I placed my palm on the small of her back as we headed towards the elevators. Del Vino had five bedrooms located upstairs available to reserve by the hour, tonight I managed to reserve the last one in a spare of the moment, amidst my desperate need to claw some money together.

As we walked through the overly floral upper corridor my heart pounded through my dress shirt. I haven't done this in a while, not for a few months at least. I was scared to death of being alone with this woman but I didn't have a choice. I needed to feel assured by the audio recorder which was listening to everything said and exchanged between us.

It's for the money, Lisa.

Think of the money.

Her heels dug into the carpet, she smelt like tacky perfume. We were about to go into the room, her naked body was probably just ten minutes away from rubbing up against mine. I pushed the room key into the lock and closed my eyes.

Imagining her smile.

And her beautiful inquisitive eyes

And her delicate heart-shaped lips.

And the way her cheekbones cast natural shadows over the narrows of her dimpled cheeks.

I could be in a room filled with people or in bed with just one woman... it never mattered because there's no one else that I see but her.


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