Chapter 95

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The French October air was colder than back at home, it felt thinner too, more breathable. I could see the Eiffel tower, illuminated in golden sparkly lights. Personally, I didn't get the appeal, it was just a tower. I blew smoke towards it furiously like a fire-breathing dragon.

What a fucking mess this has turned out to be. I reached into my back pocket and pulled out my phone, checking to see if the app worked abroad. It took a while to sync but eventually it started listing me match-ups in my local area. So, the opportunity was there, good to know.

I shook my head, knowing full well that it was going to be impossible hooking up with some random girl while I was sharing a room with Jennie. What did I expect to happen? I would climb out of bed with her, jump into one with a random stranger and then come back to Jennie?

Jesus! This changed everything. Or it was about to change everything, I could feel it in my bones. I could feel it the moment the principal called out her name after mine. Fuck!

I stumped my cigarette out on the balcony wall and tossed it over the edge. When I returned back inside she was sat on the bed. Dunking cookies into a small tub of Nutella. She followed me with her eyes, watched as I took out my audio recorder and hit the record button. Mentally, I cussed myself. I didn't bring not nearly enough tapes, because I never anticipated sharing a room with her.

"You want one?" She broke the ice, while holding the packet out for me. I sat myself on the desk and sighed.

"I'm not talking to you." I muttered childishly. She shrugged like she didn't give a fuck and continued eating her cookies.

"Blissful fucking silence then, isn't it?" She commented with a smirk.

I leaned forward and snatched one of her cookies, dunking it into the Nutella and scowling at her. "I'm not mad because you said no."

She swallowed down the sugary snack and nodded. "I know." She admitted, wrapping her arms around herself.

"I'm mad at how you said no." I stood up, leaving the uneaten cookie on the desk. "God, Jennie, it's like you didn't believe that just telling me no would've been enough to stop me. You hit me. You made me feel like I had done something wrong. You were angry at me, told me to get out. You knew I had trust issues and the first time... the first time that thing wasn't recording us, you reacted like that. I sat for hours on that plane with this fucking horrible feeling of anxiety and guilt."

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry." She blurted out.

"Jennie, please just tell me the truth, do you believe that I raped Nancy?" My heart thundered inside my chest, I felt sick to my stomach awaiting her reply. Out of everyone on this planet, I couldn't bear her thinking that the accusation was true.

"No, not for one second." She closed her eyes, screwing them up tight enough to leave lines on her face. Then she opened them again, looking a little fearful. "Lisa what you need to know about the plane is that... it was an impulse reaction. It wasn't a reflection on you or your character. It came from me. I would've reacted the same way had it been any other person."

"So, what did I do that you didn't like? Did I take it too far with my hands when I tried to... because I mean..."

"No. It was my neck."

My brow furrowed, what did I do to her neck?

"I don't like my neck being touched or kissed or whispered on or anything really on my neck."

That's a first, the neck is a real turn-on place. I don't think I've ever come across anyone who didn't like their neck being kissed but I get it, she's ticklish. A little over the top of an overreaction but I can respect that.

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