Chapter 109

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"Shhhhh Fred." I slurred to the plastic plant by the door and then giggled my ass off. I pointed at the plant and then swished its oversized green leaves.

I stumbled through the room, with my legs feeling like absolute jelly. They wouldn't cooperate with which way my brain wanted me to go, so I bumped into a few of the moving furniture dotted around the room. I entered the bedroom, Lisa was lying star-fished right in the middle of our bed. Sound asleep. She had a thin white sheet draped only over her crotch area and her bare legs poked out and her chest clad in a tank top, while she breathed heavily.

"You dick." I said, while staring at her. "Do you know nothing?" I could taste alcohol on my tongue and I clicked it against the roof of my mouth a few times, spreading the flavour. Then I kicked off my shoes and knelt above her on the bed.

She didn't move, dead to the fucking world, so I grabbed her hand and pulled her. She opened her eyes and blinked a few times.

"What's up? Are you okay?"

I rolled my eyes and pulled her further, forcing her to get up. She followed me out onto the balcony, shivering as the French autumn air hit her almost naked body.

I ran a nail down her chest and her eyes searched mine. Her skin was covered in goose bumps, all hair standing on end and every now and then again, she would shiver.

"Jennie, it's cold. What time is it?"

I pressed my body against hers and kissed her lips. She grabbed both my arms and pushed me away. "Jennie, no."

I breathed, pissed off at her rejection and tried again. This time I slipped my hand down her chest and over her boxer shorts. I grabbed the waistband and pinged it against her skin. She flinched and I smiled, leaning in to her again. She backed away.

"Jennie, what are you doing? You're shit faced, I need to get you to bed."

"Stop that!" I said, with anger seeping into my drunken tones. "Stop treating me like that!" I walked back a few paces, slapping my hand to my forehead and she watched me. Her teeth chattering together like a damn Eskimo.

"Like what? Respectfully?"

"No... like a... like... like a victim!"

Her face dropped, the coldness no longer evident. Her beautiful hazel gaze softened and even with alcohol masking my subconscious, I looked away because I couldn't bear to look at her.

"I'm not..."

"You wouldn't hold me in bed. You fell into my leg and apologised like the world was going to end. Every time your hand brushed up against mine, you said sorry. You didn't call me hot but I could see the boner in your pants. You have this look in your eye constantly like I'm gonna break. I'm not a delicate little flower, Lisa. I want you to touch me."

"Jennie, I'm sorry. I was just trying to make you feel more comfortable."

"I'm not uncomfortable." I grabbed her hands and she watched me carefully. "You can touch me Lisa. You can touch me here." I placed her hands on my breasts and her eyes widened.

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