Chapter 117

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I was terrified, but Lisa had turned me on so much that if she didn't bring me to orgasm, I was going to combust.

It was everything about her, the way her muscles bulged bigger from holding her whole body weight up over me, the way she grit her teeth because she wanted me so badly and all I was offering was a dry hump, the sweet, and shy blush in her cheeks that I absolutely adored. Lisa had caused a Niagara falls situation down there and now I needed to push through my fears and place my trust in her.

"Put it in." I repeated for a second time, she grabbed hold of her dick and ran it up the length of my vagina. I squirmed and moaned each time she did it.

"Not like this." Her voice was barely recognisable. It had a sexy husk and I swallowed thickly, wanting her even more.

She grabbed my hands and pulled me to sit upwards, I was confused until she sat behind me and lifted me to straddle her lap, backwards.

"No crowding, no pinning you down." She explained in that same sexy voice. "You're in complete control, ride me."

I shifted awkwardly, I had never been in control before. I didn't really know what to do.

With Kai, it was awkward. It was our first time, we jumped into bed with our bottom halves naked and after about thirty seconds it was over, for him.

With the monster, it was soul destroying. He pushed me to the floor, restrained me and forced his way in after roughly removing my underwear. He was older, and more experienced. Knew my body better than I did, apparently.

"Jennie?" I snapped back into reality. Lisa swiped away one of my tears with her thumb and her eyes softened on me. "We don't have to..."

"No, I want to." I was headstrong and stubborn, I wouldn't let my fears win, I would push myself and force myself to be okay. "I want you."

Lisa nodded and shuffled back against the headboard.

I clambered on her, raising my body over her to position myself up. I took her dick in my hand to steady it while I slowly lowered myself down taking in Lisa inch by inch. Behind me, she hissed out a string of swear words and grabbed hold of my hips, while squeezing gently.

She was big, bigger than anyone I had inside of me to date. She made me feel full and there was some mild burning where I naturally stretched out. I breathed deeply as I adjusted to the sensation and then I started moving on her.

"Jennie..." Lisa groaned, my name sounding impossibly sexual on her tongue.

She placed her hand across my chest, nudging me to lay down against her, my back to her front. It was comfortable and she felt deeper somehow, like she was reaching for my belly button internally. It was perfect, it was Lisa. Somehow I found her ridiculously attractive. I've watched her lips innocently form sentences and felt myself getting wet from it. I've studied her hands holding pens and cigarettes and making grilled cheese sandwiches and fantasised about them touching me. I've kissed her and cuddled her and wanted more from her.

Yet my evil mind wouldn't stop thinking about the last time that I had someone inside of me. It replayed the scenario over and over in my mind. What I could've done differently, how I could've stopped it, what I did to cause it to happen.

Lisa was making pleasurable sounds behind me, her hand squeezing my breast, the other circling my clit. She was swearing and gasping and moaning.

I hated her for enjoying it. I hated how people used my body for their pleasure and I just let them. I hated how my body reacted when my mind wasn't enjoying it.

I didn't want to orgasm.

I didn't want to be doing this.

I changed my mind. I changed my mind.

I just see the monster. His face. His rough hands. His hard dick.

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