Chapter 63

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Twilight drenched the beach in a purple hue, it was beautiful and I wanted to dance. Not with Lisa, I wanted to switch on the music, glide my toes in the sand and move my body without thinking. I wanted to release every pent up, and pushed down feeling that I kept locked inside my heart. I wanted to cry, to scream, to be sad, and to be angry. Pour it all into my dance moves but instead, I was going over the steps of Wildflower with Lisa.

"I'm just not getting it." She complained.

"Don't think about it." I told her softly.

"You keep saying that!" She was getting irritated.

"Let's take a break."

She practically threw herself down in the sand and started drawing shapes with her finger. I stood awkwardly, I wanted to switch the song over and let loose but I couldn't, not with her here watching. I know how lost I can get to the music, how deep I can delve into my own mind and trauma. Not even Rosé has ever seen me dancing like that. Music therapy, that's what I called it.

She looked up at me, the sky making her eyes look dark, deep and brooding. Fuck, she was sexy. Her skin was peppered in sand and her hair was blowing messily in the warm October breeze.

"So here's what I'm noticing..." I sat down beside her, ready to give her some constructive criticism. "You're thinking too much, trying to perfect your last steps when your next steps are already passing you by. You need to relax, just enjoy dancing. Pretend that nobody is watching."

"Jennie, the fact that nobody is watching us scares me half to death." She pointed out with a gruff voice. She immediately looked at her phone which was far away propped up against our shoes, and recording us.

I looked up at the starless sky, blackness had fallen all around us. The sound of waves swishing in the distance was the only thing breaking the silence between us.

"Has anyone ever asked you to do something like this before?"

She dropped grains of sand between her fingers thinly and shot a glance at me.

"Dance? No." She commented. "But people have paid me for all kinds of things. Like art."

"Art?" I quirked a brow, interested.

"They wanted to paint me, naked or whatever."

I sucked in a breath and exhaled it, letting it carry away in the froth overlapping the shore.

"So how does that work then? You're alone with them, you're having sex with them. Isn't that more risky than dancing on a beach with some girl you go to school with?"

She shook her head, not to answer me just because she hated the question. "Jennie, you're talking about something that you don't understand."

"Then explain. How is it, you trust strangers over someone you've known your whole life?"

She stood up, paced the sand a little, put her hands to the back of her head and then dropped them. "I don't." She admitted. "But it isn't a choice I get to have. I'm an escort because I have to be, not because I want to be. So I record them, every second we're together, I record it. Every exchange spoken between us, their boundaries, what they like , what they don't like. The rules of arrangement. Everything, which is why I always have dinner with them first so we can go over everything like a verbal contract."

"So you record them having sex with you?"

"Yeah, I record it from the moment I meet with them until we say goodbye."

I stood up, with an idea hitting me. I pulled her to her feet and she rolled her eyes. "I guess break is over then?"

"We're going to go over the contract as we dance, I'm a paying customer, am I not? I want to pay to have sex with you."

"Very funny, Jennie." She deadpanned.

"I'm serious."

"Jennie!" She screeched my name in a high pitched manner but then cleared her throat. "I can't do that, not with you." I couldn't see her face but I could hear the strain of panic in her voice.

"Oh come on Lisa, don't get shy now. It's no different to what you do on most nights anyway."

"It is different." She defended. "It's you."

"I'm gonna hit play on the music, you need to go over the contract with me, Lisa. Or when the song ends, we'll have sex and the terms and conditions won't have already been negotiated."

I heard her swallow thickly and a smile tugged my lips.

"W... what?" She asked, losing confidence. I hit play on the music.

"You have until the song finishes, Lisa. Don't think about your footsteps."

"Fuck, you think I'm thinking about the footsteps now?"

I laughed, totally satisfied with my genius mastermind.

We walked towards one another, rhythmically and she grabbed me, furiously with a melody to her step and spun me under her arm. Her movements timed, loose, and artful.

"I don't think I have contraception on me." She said as she dipped me down.

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