Chapter 134

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"Jen..." Troye pulled my eyes away from my phone and tilted his head towards the coffee shop door where Lisa was standing, with her phone in her hand and hope in her eyes.

I stood up, dropping my phone to the table and ran towards her. She grabbed me and lifted me up, which was completely unexpected and drew a lot of attention towards us in the small town coffee shop. She dropped me down so our faces were only millimetres apart.

"You changed your mind?" She asked, with her sweet coffee scented breath coating my cheeks.

"I changed my mind." I confirmed.

"I started walking back, when you sent that rainbow message. I had hoped that it was you but I wasn't sure."

"Of course it was me, now shut up and kiss me, Lisa."

Her smile was infectious, returning all of the sparkle into her face. I wasn't one for any public display of affection but right now I didn't care, I wanted everyone to know how happy I was to have her back in my life. She leaned in slowly and brushed the hair behind my ear with her fingertips. Her lips were on mine within seconds, tender and sensual. Her kiss was like nostalgia, reminding me of every reason why I first fell in love with her.

She pulled back to look at me, with her gaze serious.

"Jennie, fuck. I'm so sorry about everything."

"I know, forget about that now. We're starting over again. No contract, no payments, no app, and no tape recorder, also no terms and conditions."

She narrowed her eyes at me. "You've never read the old terms and conditions, did you?"

"No." I admitted.

"I knew it!"

I giggled at her, she laughed too until her smile dimmed with her next train of thought.

"Jennie, you need to know that I'm not okay. I need to get off the drugs again and that's going to be really hard but I'm really going to give it everything that I've got. I'll go to meetings, and get a sponsor."

"You can do it Lisa, I have every faith in you." I encouraged honestly. "And I'll be there for you through it all."

"I'm deleting the escort app, and getting a real job. I'm yours, no more obstacles. I want to commit to you completely, I've always wanted to commit to you completely. It's just you and me, from now on. That is if you'll have me."

I laughed, "Lisa, I love you. Nothing would make me happier than being your girlfriend. No obstacles. Just you and me, forever."

She pulled me in close again and gave me another small kiss.

"God, I love you so fucking much Jennie, no obstacles. Just you and me, forever." 

-- THE END --

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