Chapter 11

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Navy blue enclosed the Earth, the lurid moon sat high in a starless sky. The air was cold, I blew warm breath into my battered fingers and rubbed them together to build up the heat. Jennie had no idea what she had just done for me, the freedom she entrusted me with gave me the capabilities to sort one of my major problems; money.

"Looking slick dude, I approve." Bambam gave me a lopsided smile and brushed his palms down each of my shoulders to straighten out the suit jacket that I borrowed from him just five minutes ago.

I've thought about this a lot in my captivity. The 'how to' and 'what ifs.' I've conducted a whole plan that I'm pretty confident in but still, I'm a bag of epic nerves. This is the first time since that night and although the two occurrences were unrelated, I couldn't help but mistrust women. Especially when my job entailed me being alone with them but what other choice do I have? My mom needed her medication.

Del Vino was a mid-town establishment run by Bambam's uncle. It made little to no money on its frontline food business but kept afloat by its background brothel service exclusively for escorts. I peeked out of the circular door-window at my reserved table, the lady having not yet arrived.

"I better get out there." I told Bambam, rolling my eyes before I put on a show.

"You go get them tiger, fingers crossed for a hot young lady with gigantic tits and a shapely ass." He blew me a kiss and pushed me out of the door.

I sat at table six and looked around the room, the escorts were easily spotted. For one, they were regulars and secondly, they seemed overly attentive to their companion. A quick glance at the time told me that it was ten minutes past seven, another five minutes of her being late and I've got to leave without refunding her the money.

While I waited for my client my mind roamed back to Jennie, why did she do this for me? When Nancy accused me of rape, it broke me. It stripped me layer by layer and left nothing behind. For me, that's one of the worst character assassinations anyone could give a person. I wanted to die. I thought about killing myself but the thought of leaving my mom behind with no medicine or care stopped me. I am not okay. I probably won't be okay even if the court deems me as innocent.

Now women terrify me, I don't want them near me, I don't want them alone with me and I don't want them touching me. I may be able to prove my innocence but there will always be someone who believes Nancy's word. There will always be rape rumours flying around about me. Her false claims have forever tarnished my name.

I took a careful sip of my water and then noticed the bell boy pointing out my table to a brunette in six inch heels. I stood up as she approached.

"Jessi?" I asked with a smile, while pulling back her chair in a chivalrous way.

"Yes, are you Lisa?" She giggled, she's a giggler. Great. I sat back down in my chair and shook hands with her, placing a chaise kiss to her knuckles.

"Before we begin, I would just like to remind you that I am recording the audio of our time together as already pre-discussed. Can you confirm that you're still okay with this?" I pointed to a small audio recorder placed strategically between us. Her opal eyes glanced down at the grey piece of machinery and then she nodded and I clenched my jaw, while trying to bite back the frustration. "Confirm vocally, please." I encouraged her.

"Yes, that's fine." She worded.


She wore a royal blue, skin tight dress with a square neckline, I wasn't entirely sure of her age but I think approaching late-thirties would've been an accurate guess. Her chest and neck had been toasted by the sun that many times, her flesh had a wrinkled leather-like appearance and although her face had Botox, her hands gave away all of her secrets.

"I have to say, I was feeling nervous before you arrived. In my line of work, you never really know who is going to turn up. But you're really beautiful so I'm glad that you walked through the door this evening and not somebody else." She giggled again, I refrained from rolling my eyes and instead remained suave in my demeanour.

We talked. We flirted. We semi-connected.

My anxiety drained away the further the date went on. It was easier in crowded places, harder for them to accuse me of something, even though I still enjoyed the comfortable distance.

Overall escorting didn't feel weird for me, I mostly got lonely older women who wanted to feel beautiful and worshiped for one night. I provided that. I gave them the attention they craved and wanted, they gave me a hefty payment. It was a simple business transaction, nothing more, nothing less.

It was easy for me, I just listened. When they asked about me, I would make something up to sound interesting or just hold back on personal details. The only thing I revealed about myself was my first name, Lisa. They believed that I was twenty, in university studying law or whatever elaborate course that I decided upon that day. I kept the conversations generic, and put on an act. After all, this was all a game that everybody got to win, I got to buy medication for my sick mother, and they got to feel wanted.

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